Category:Physical coastal and marine processes
From Coastal Wiki
This category has the following 8 subcategories, out of 8 total.
Pages in category "Physical coastal and marine processes"
The following 140 pages are in this category, out of 140 total.
- Case study: Applying ASMITA to UK estuaries
- Characteristics of muddy coasts
- Characteristics of sedimentary shores
- Chenier
- Classification of sandy coastlines
- Closure depth
- CNEXO experimental SandPit in Seine Estuary
- Coastal and marine sediments
- Coastal Erosion along the Changjiang Deltaic Shoreline
- Coastal hydrodynamic and morphodynamic processes and engineering
- Coastal Hydrodynamics And Transport Processes
- Coastal lagoon
- Coastal meteorology
- Coastal mud belt
- Coastal tract modelling
- Compendium for Coast and Sea - creating a marine science-policy interface
- Computation of sediment transport and presentation of results
- Coral islands
- Coriolis acceleration
- Coriolis and tidal motion in shelf seas
- Currents
- Dam break flow
- Dealing with coastal erosion
- Definitions, processes and models in morphology
- Diffraction
- Dune development
- Dune erosion
- Dynamics and structure of the water and matter ex-change between the Wadden Sea and the German Bight
- Dynamics of mud transport
- Dynamics, threats and management of dunes
- Dynamics, threats and management of salt marshes
- Geological processes in the Anthropocene: the Po River Delta
- Geostrophic flow
- Gravel Beaches
- Greek case studies: Geomorphological changes on the coastal area of the Inner Thermaikos Gulf over the past 150 years
- Greek case studies: Long term geomorphological changes in the coastal zone of the Thermaikos Gulf, Salonika Region, North Greece
- Greek case studies: Morphological evolution of the R.Alfios deltaic shoreline
- Greek case studies: Sediment dynamics in the nearshore zone of Gouves (Heraklio, Crete) in relation to erosion (unpublished data 2006)
- Groundwater management in low-lying coastal zones
- Salinity
- Salt wedge estuaries
- Sand ridges in shelf seas
- Sand spit
- Sand transport
- Satellite-derived nearshore bathymetry
- Scaling Issues in Hydraulic Modelling
- Seabed armoring
- Seabed sand waves
- Seawater density
- Seawater intrusion and mixing in estuaries
- Sediment Budget
- Sediment deposition and erosion processes
- Sediment transport formulas for the coastal environment
- Shallow-water wave theory
- Shelf sea exchange with the ocean
- Shoreface profile
- Shoreline retreat and recovery
- Siltation in harbors and fairways
- Spatial and temporal scales in biogeomorphology
- Stability models
- Statistical description of wave parameters
- Submarine groundwater discharge
- Submarine groundwater discharge in coastal regions: development of a new sampling technique
- Suspended particulate matter distribution in the North Sea
- Swash
- Swash zone dynamics
- The backbarrier tidal flats in the southern North Sea - A multidisciplinary approach to reveal the main driving forces shaping the system
- The heat budget of tidal flats
- Thermohaline circulation of the oceans
- Tidal asymmetry and tidal inlet morphodynamics
- Tidal bore dynamics
- Tidal channel meandering and marsh erosion
- Tidal prediction
- Transport and dispersion of pollutants, nutrients, tracers in mixed nearshore water
- Tsunami