Definition of Undertow:
Undertow is the current flowing offshore near the seabed in the surf zone, driven by the vertical imbalance of the opposing gradients in radiation stress and cross-shore wave set-up pressure.
This is the common definition for Undertow, other definitions can be discussed in the article
The undertow is a net circulation in the cross-shore vertical plane representing a mechanism for maintaining the mass balance in the surf zone. Other possible mechanisms in the nearshore circulation is the three dimensional pattern of rip currents and the pattern of longshore currents in the case of oblique wave incidence.
There is no generally applicable formula for the undertow velocity, as it depends on the particular shoreface morphology. Driving forces for the undertow are [1][2] (a) the gradient in the net onshore momentum flux (radiation stress), which is much stronger near the surface than near the bottom; (b) the net wave- and turbulence-induced vertical momentum flux towards the wave boundary layer (which is responsible for momentum dissipation and near-bed forward streaming); (c) the momentum flux associated with the surface roller of the spilling wave bore; (d) the offshore-directed pressure gradient related to the slope of the mean water surface, the wave set-up.
The undertow current compensates for the onshore mass transport in the upper layer of the vertical between wave trough and crest (Stokes drift and roller transport). The turbulent frictional dissipation of momentum by the undertow current is dynamically related to radiation stress decay.
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Appendix: Wave-averaged momentum balance
This appendix reproduces the shallow-water equations from which the undertow can be determined. The equations refer to shore-normal wave incidence on a uniform coast (no longshore current) and cyclic wave motion. Symbols are defined in Fig. 1. Other symbols: \big\langle … \big\rangle \, =wave-averaged value (averaged over one or more wave cycles, encompassing the turbulence time scale), \; u(x,z,t), \, w(x,z,t) \,= horizontal, vertical velocity; \; u_0 = \lt u\gt , \, w_0=\lt w\gt , \; u_w, \, w_w \,= horizontal, vertical wave orbital velocities, \; u', \, w' \, = turbulent velocity fluctuations.
The velocities u, \, w and surface elevation \zeta are decomposed as
u = u_0 + u_w+u' \, , \; w = w_0 + w_w +w' \, , \; \zeta = \zeta_0 + \zeta_w \, . \qquad (1)
The averaged momentum balance in the propagation direction is
\Large\frac{\partial u}{\partial t}\normalsize + u \Large\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}\normalsize + w \Large\frac{\partial u}{\partial z}\normalsize + \Large\frac{1}{\rho}\frac{\partial p}{\partial x}\normalsize = 0 \, .\qquad (2)
Averaging over the wave cycle and integration over the depth gives
0 = \Big\langle \Large\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\normalsize \int_{-d}^{\zeta} u dz \Big\rangle = \Big\langle u (\zeta) \Large\frac{\partial \zeta}{\partial t}\normalsize + \int_{-d}^{\zeta} \Large\frac{\partial u}{\partial t}\normalsize dz \Big\rangle \, , \qquad (3)
\Big\langle \Large\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\normalsize \int_{-d}^{\zeta} u^2 dz \Big\rangle = \Big\langle u^2 (\zeta) \Large\frac{\partial \zeta}{\partial x}\normalsize + \int_{-d}^{\zeta} 2 u \Large\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}\normalsize dz\Big\rangle \, , \qquad (4)
\Big\langle \Large\frac{\partial}{\partial z}\normalsize \int_{-d}^{\zeta} u w dz \Big\rangle = \Big\langle \int_{-d}^{\zeta} \Big( - u \Large\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}\normalsize + w \Large\frac{\partial u}{\partial z}\normalsize \Big) dz \Big\rangle = \lt u(\zeta) w(\zeta) \gt + \lt \tau_0 \gt - \lt \tau_b \gt = \Big\langle u(\zeta) \Big( \Large\frac{\partial \zeta}{\partial t}\normalsize + u(\zeta) \Large\frac{\partial \zeta}{\partial x}\normalsize \Big) \Big\rangle + \lt \tau_0 \gt - \lt \tau_b \gt \, . \qquad (5)
Here we have used the continuity equation \Large\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}\normalsize = - \Large\frac{\partial w}{\partial z}\normalsize \qquad (6)
and the boundary conditions at the surface z=\zeta and bottom z=-d,
w(\zeta) = \Large\frac{\partial \zeta}{\partial t}\normalsize + u(\zeta) \Large\frac{\partial \zeta}{\partial x}\normalsize + w'(\zeta) \, , \quad w_0(-d)=0 \, , \quad \lt u'(\zeta)w'(\zeta)\gt =\lt \tau_0\gt \, , \quad \lt u_w(-d) w_w(-d) + u'(-d)w'(-d)\gt = \lt \tau_b\gt \, . \qquad (7)
Summing Eqs. (3, 4, 5) and using Eq. (7) we get
\Big\langle \Large\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\normalsize \int_{-d}^{\zeta} u^2 dz \Big\rangle = \Big\langle \int_{-d}^{\zeta} \Big( \Large\frac{\partial u}{\partial t}\normalsize + u \Large\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}\normalsize + w \Large\frac{\partial u}{\partial z}\normalsize \Big) dz \Big\rangle - \lt \tau_0\gt + \lt \tau_b\gt \, . \qquad (8)
Combining with Eqs. (1) and (2) gives
\Big\langle \Large\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\normalsize \int_{-d}^{\zeta} u^2 dz \Big\rangle = \Big\langle \Large\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\normalsize \int_{-d}^{\zeta} (u_0^2 + \lt u_w^2\gt + \lt u'^2\gt ) dz \Big\rangle = - \Large\frac{1}{\rho}\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\normalsize \Big\langle \int_{-d}^{\zeta} p dz \Big\rangle + \lt \tau_0\gt - \lt \tau_b\gt \, . \qquad (9)
The radiation stress is given by
S_{xx} = \Big\langle \int_{-d}^{\zeta} \big( \rho u_w^2 + \rho u'^2 + p \big) \, dz \Big\rangle - \large\frac{1}{2}\normalsize \rho \, g \, h^2 \, . \qquad (10)
Because \Big\langle \int_{-d}^{\zeta_0} (\zeta-z) \, dz \Big\rangle - \large\frac{1}{2}\normalsize h^2 =0 \, , \;
a major contribution of the pressure gradient to the radiation stress is provided by the pressure gradient above the still water level.
Using \Large\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\normalsize \lt h^2\gt = 2h \Large\frac{\partial \zeta_0}{\partial x}\normalsize we finally have
\Big\langle \Large\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\normalsize \int_{-d}^{\zeta} u_0^2 dz \Big\rangle [1] = \rho g h \Large\frac{\partial \zeta_0}{\partial x}\normalsize [2] - \Large\frac{\partial S_{xx}}{\partial x}\normalsize [3] + \lt \tau_0\gt [4] - \lt \tau_b\gt [5] \, . \qquad (11)
The gradient in the depth-integrated flux of wave-averaged momentum [1] is balanced by the wave-averaged contributions [2] + [3] + [4|+ [5], where [2] = pressure gradient due to wave set-up, [3] = radiation stress gradient, [4] = surface stress produced by the roller of the spilling wave that follows the wave as it propagates shoreward, [5] = bed shear stress.
There is no net onshore or offshore mass transfer, thus
\Big\langle \int_{-d}^{\zeta} \rho \, u(z,t) \, dz \Big\rangle = \rho h u_0 + \Big\langle \int_{-d}^{\zeta} \rho \, u_w(z,t) \, dz \Big\rangle = 0 \, . \qquad(12)
The term \Big\langle \int_{-d}^{\zeta} \rho \, u_w(z,t) \, dz \Big\rangle should include the mass transport by the surface roller.[3]. To solve these equations, boundary conditions have to be specified and (empirical) expressions must be provided for Reynolds stresses, bed shear stress and the contributions of the roller to the horizontal mass and momentum fluxes.
- Jump up ↑ Deigaard, R., Justesen, P. and Fredsoe, J. 1991. Modelling of undertow by a one-equation turbulence model. Coastal Engineering 15: 431-458
- Jump up ↑ van der Werf, J., Ribberink, J., Kranenburg, W., Neessen, K. and Boers, M. 2017. Contributions to the wave-mean momentum balance in the surf zone. Coastal Engineering 121: 212–220
- Jump up ↑ Svendsen, I.A. 1984. Mass flux and undertow in a surf zone. Coastal Eng. 8: 331-346
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