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Modification date"Modification date" is a predefined property that corresponds to the date of the last modification of a subject and is provided by <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" class="external text" href="">Semantic MediaWiki</a>.
13:46:12, 22 July 2019 +
Blue carbon sequestration +, Bruun rule for shoreface adaptation to sea-level rise +, Climate adaptation measures for the coastal zone +, Climate adaptation policies for the coastal zone +, Climate change +, Coastal cities and sea level rise +, Coastal squeeze +, Compendium for Coast and Sea - creating a marine science-policy interface +, Coral bleaching +, Coral islands +, Dune erosion +, Dynamics, threats and management of salt marshes +, EU Climate Policies and Actions 2020 +, EU workshop (2007) on climate change and eutrophication +, Effect of Climate Change in the Baltic Sea Area +, Effect of climate change on coastline evolution +, Effects of climate change on the Mediterranean +, Effects of climate change on the North Atlantic benthos +, Effects of global climate change on European marine biodiversity +...
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