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Administrative Port: Finistère
County: Bretagne

Roscoff is a French municipality in Leon, in the department of Finistère in Brittany. This city has a big fishing port.[1]

Background information
Fishing Fleet Vessel type 1 20
Fishing Fleet Vessel type 2 4
Fishing Fleet Vessel type 3 45
Fishing Fleet Vessels total 69 [2]
Landings Total Landings (tonnes) Main species (tonnes) anglers (16,5%), edible crab (15,7%), haddock (9,3%)
Landings Total Landings (tonnes) All species (tonnes) 6491,7874
Landings Values Demersal
Landings Values Pelagic
Landings Values Shellfish
Landings Values All species 23288,9665€ [3]
Landings Number of fishermen Number of fishermen (Regular)
Landings Number of fishermen Number of fishermen (Part-time)
Landings Number of fishermen Number of fishermen Total
Landings Major fish species
Landings Landing points
Landings Location of auctions Port du Bloscon - BP 63 - 29680 Roscoff Tèl. 02 98 61 14 02 - Fax 02 98 61 13 58
Governance and organisation Location of fishermen's organisations CRPMEM de Haute Normandie, 26, Quai Galliéni 76200 DIEPPE

CRPMEM du Nord/Pas de Calais/Picardie, 12, rue Solférino 62200 BOULOGNE-SUR-MER

Branding Brand labels
Fish as food Fish selling Direct sale: stalls on the docks
Fish as food Fish processing
Fish as food Restaurants/hotels
Tourism & Education Tourism & Fishing Possibilité d'embarquer : se renseigner auprès de l'office du tourisme (ONG BARABORD 06 60 09 74 99) et pêche en mer
Tourism & Education Festivals Roscoff fête la mer
Tourism & Education Fishing museums
Tourism & Education Aquariums
Tourism & Education Monuments Ancienne criée mainteXnant bureau de l'école de voile
Tourism&Education Fishing training School

Vessel type 1= Coastal fishing vessels: Vessels which spend more than 75% of their time in the 12 nm zone.
Vessel type 2= Coastal/high sea vessels: Fishing vessels that fish 25% -75% of their time in the 12 nm zone.
Vessel type 3= High sea vessels: vessels that fish more than 75% of their time outside the coastal zone. These vessels fish offshore the French coast but are in some cases active in the coastal zone of other countries.[4]


  1. Jump up
  2. Jump up Data from 2011. Source: Ifremer
  3. Jump up Data from 2013. Source: France Agrimer
  4. Jump up Leblond, E., Daures, F., Leonardi, S., Merrien, C., Demaneche, S., Le Blond, S., Berthou, P.L., Pitel-Roudau, M., Macher, C., Lespagnol, P., Le Grand, C., Le Blond, S. (2013). Synthèse des flottilles de pêche 2011, flotte de Mer du Nord - Manche – Atlantique, flotte de Méditerranée dans le cadre Réalisation du projet "Système d'Informations Halieutiques" de l'Ifremer. Edition IFREMER Brest. p.289.