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Administrative Port: Hastings
County: Kent
Population: 3471

Queenborough is a small town on the Isle of Sheppey in the Swale borough of Kent in South East England. Queenborough today still reflects something of its original 18th-century seafaring history, from which period most of its more prominent buildings survive. The church however is the sole surviving feature from the medieval period.[1]

Images of Queenborough

Background information
Fishing Fleet Vessel type 1 6
Fishing Fleet Vessel type 2 2
Fishing Fleet Vessel type 3
Fishing Fleet Vessels total 8 [2]
Governance and organisation Location of fishermen's organisations -Queenborough Fishery Trust
-Queenborough Fishermen's Association
Branding Brand labels
Fish as food Fish selling Fishmonger: Captain Crimps, 55A High St, Queenborough,AE101 ME11 5AG
Fish as food Fish processing Two Suns Quality Fish, West Street, Queenborough, Kent, ME11 5AD
Fish as food Restaurants/hotels
Tourism & Education Fishing museums Queenborough Guildhall Museum, High Street, Queenborough, Kent
Tourism & Education Aquariums
Tourism & Education Monuments
Tourism&Education Fishing training School

Vessel type 1: <10 m vessels
Vessel type 2: >10 m vessels

