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European legislations regarding eutrophicationshow
Eutrophication causes and consequencesshow
- Eutrophication parameters and indicators
- In situ monitoring of eutrophication
- Remote Sensing
Eutrophication in the newsshow
- Mysterious Jellyfish Makes a Comeback (Oceanus Magazine, Originally published online February 13, 2014)
- 'Safe' levels of neurotoxin found in seafood may cause kidney damage (FoxNews.com, 07 February 2014)
- Pictures: Extreme Algae Blooms Expanding Worldwide (National Geographic Daily News, 23 April 2013)
- Foam swept in as gales hit Scotland (BBC News, 25 September 2012)
- Brittany beaches hit by toxic algae (The Guardian, 27 July 2011)
- Jellyfish threaten to 'dominate' oceans (ABC Science, 08 June 2009)
- Agglomeration
- Algae
- Anthropogenic
- Aquaculture
- Algal bloom
- Biomass
- Ecosystem
- Eutrophic
- Eutrophication
- Fertilizer
- Harmful algal blooms
- Heterotrophic
- Hypoxia
- In situ
- Non-indigenous species
- Nutrient
- Photosynthesis
- Phytoplankton
- Pollution
- Population equivalent
- Primary production
- Redfield ratio
- Salinity
- SeaWiFS
- Secchi depth
- Secchi disk
- Sensors
- Sun glitter
- Turbidity
- Zooplankton