Past EU-funded coastal research projects
From Coastal Wiki
List of coastal and marine projects funded by the European Commsission in the period 1998-2010. Most of the project websites do not exist anymore. Some information on these projects can be found through the CORDIS website.
[hide]5th Framework programmes
- MARBENA Creating a long term infrastructure for MARine Biodiversity research in the European economic area and the Newly Associated states
- MAXWAVE Extreme waves - forecast adn impact on marine structures
- COSINUS Prediction of COhesive Sediment transport and bed dynamics in estuaries and coastal zones with Integrated NUmerical SImulation models
- OAERRE Oceanographic Application to Entrophication in Regions of Restricted Exchange
- COASTWATCH Development of a global information service for European coastal environments
- HUMOR Human interaction with large-scale coastal morphological evolution
- LIMAS Liquefaction around marine structures
- DELOS Environmental design of low-crested structures
- NAME Nitrate from aquifers and influences on carbon cycling in marine ecosystems
- SANDPIT Sand transport and morphology of offshore sand mining
- MELMARINA Monitoring and modelling coastal lagoons, making management tools for aquatic resources in North Africa
- SISCAL Satellite-based information system of coastal areas and lakes
- CLASH Crest Level Assessment of Coastal Structures. Neural network prediction and hazard analaysis on permissible wave overtopping
- EUMARSAND EUropean MARine SAND and gravel resources, evaluation and environmental impact of extraction
- BASICS Bacterial single-cell approaches to the relationship between diversity and function in the sea
- FERRYBOX Showed that ship-borne instrumentation can cost effectively deliver information of immediate scientific value and help to solve environmental problems
- MABENE Managing benthic ecosystems in relation to physical forcing and environmental constraints
- EUROCAT EUROpean CATchements. Catchment changes and their impact on the Coast
- BOREMED Boron contamination of water resources in the Mediterranean region, distribution, sources, social impact and remediation
- BEEP Biological effects of environmental pollution
- DANUBS Effect of riverine nutrient and silica discharges on the parts of the West Black Sea
- TIDE Tidal Inlet Dynamics and Environment
- MESPP Mediterranean Forecasting System Pilot Project
- SMART Sustainable Management of Scare
- EUROSTRATAFORM European margin strataformation
- IMTEC In-situ automatic Monitoring of Trace metal speciation in Estuarine and Coastal zones in relation with the biogeodynamical processes
- ADIOS Atmospheric deposition and impact of pollutant, key elements and nutrients on the open Mediterranean sea
- ESEAS-RI European sea level research infrastructure
- ESONET European Sea floor Observatory NETwork
- ENBI European Network for Biodiversity Information
- OMARC Ocean MArgin Research Constortium
- FIRE Risk assessment of brominated flame retardants as disruptors for human and wildlife health
- COSA COstal SAnds as biocatalytical filters
- BIOCOMBE The impact of BIOdiverstiy changes in COastal Marine Benthic Ecosystems
- ELOISE European Land Ocean Interaction Studies
- COAST3D Improving the understanding of the physics of coastal sand transport and morphodynamics.
- CoastView Development of simple video-derived parameters directly related to management issues
6th Framework programmes
- MARBEF NoE on Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning
- Marine Genomics NoE
- MAFCONS MAnageing Fisheries to CONserve ground fish and benthic invertebrate species diversity
- CRAB Collective Research on Aquaculture Biofouling - horizontal research activities involving SMEs
- ASEMWaterNet Multi-stakeholder platform for ASEM S&T cooperation on sustainable water use
- MerSea Marine Environment and Security for the European Area
- MODELKEY Models for assessing and forecasting the impact of key pollutants on marine and freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity to support the implementation of the Water Framework Directive
- COASTWATCH Development of a global information service for European coastal environments
- Safety at Sea Development of measures to reduce and mitigate risks of accidental pollution of marine waters
- Seasearch European metadatabase for monitoring programmes and oceanographic data
- FLOODsite Integrated flood risk analysis and management methodologies
Interreg projects
- DEDUCE] Guidelines to adopt an indicators-based approach to evaluate coastal sustainable development.
- COREPOINT Creating a sustainable framework for ICZM
- BAR Beaches At Risk. Evatluation of beach and dune evolution on the coasts of northern France and southern England
- COMRISK Applied research on risk management strategies related to living in coastal areas
- SCALDIT WFD pilot project, analysis for international water managemetn of the Scheldt River, assessment of human impact and economic analysis
- MESSINA Managing European Shoreline and Sharing Information on Nearshore Areas
- SEAREG Sea level change affecting the spatial development in the baltic sea region
- Forum Skagerrak II Actions for a cleaner and more attractive sea and coast
- MESSINA Management of European shoreline and sharing information on nearshore areas
EU LIFE programmes
ESGIRA-MARIA Respond to the lack of coordination and general disjointed nature of actions taken at different levels of the administration, the inadequacy of legislation and instruments for implementation and the lack of co-ordination between the different groups using coastal areas
Other EU programmes
- TIDESED Time dependent changes in teh optical properties of sediments detected with remote sensing
- RACE Rapid Assessment of the Coastal Environment
- SOFT Satellite based Ocean Forecasting System
- MFSTEP Mediterranean ocean Forecasting System: Toward Environmental Predictions
- NOMATEC Development of non-degrading, NOvel MArine TECnologies
- SALMON Sea Air Land Modelling Operational Network
- EUROSION Assessment of coastal erosion and impacts of coastal erosion in Europe and policy recommendations
- HMAP History of Marine Animal Populations under Census of Marine Life (CoML)
- Nature in conflict Consequences of political management in the Wadden Sea Region
- SINCOS Sinking coasts. Geosphere, ecosphere and anthroposphere of the holocene Southern Baltic Sea
- SBI Western Arctic Shelf Basin Interaction
- ELME European Lifestyles and Marine Ecosystems