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Definition of Foraminifera:
(= foraminiferans) phylum of mainly marine unicellular protists (classified as protozoans of class Sarcodina in older zoological classifications), having a highly vacuolated outer layer of cytoplasm and a calcareous, siliceous or composite shell through which project fine pseudopodia. [1].
This is the common definition for Foraminifera, other definitions can be discussed in the article


Most foraminifera live on or within the seafloor sediment; they are a major components of many deep-sea oozes. Chalk is largely composed of foraminiferan shells. Most foraminifera are heterotrophic organisms (microzooplankton). See also wikipedia.

Related article

Marine Plankton


  1. Jump up Lawrence, E. (2005). Henderson’s dictionary of biology. Pearson Education Limited, 13th ed., Harlow. 748 p.