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Administrative Port: Lowesoft
County: Norfolk
Population: 7949

Cromer is a coastal town and civil parish in north Norfolk, England. Tourism is an important part of the local economy with the town a popular resort and a touring base for the surrounding area. The town is also famous for the Cromer crab which forms the major source of income for the local fishermen. The town had grown up as a fishing town over the centuries and it possessed a year-round fishery, with crabs and lobsters in the summer, drifting for long-shore herring in the autumn and long-lining, primarily for cod, in the winter, when weather permitted. The pattern of fishing has changed over the last thirty years, and it is now almost completely focused on crabs and lobsters.[1]


Picture: Fishing boats alongside tourists on the beach, Cromer (Author: GIFS Researcher Photography)


Video: Crab & Lobster Festival, Cromer & Sheringham

Background information
Fishing Fleet Vessel type 1 27
Fishing Fleet Vessel type 2 0
Fishing Fleet Vessel type 3
Fishing Fleet Vessels total 27 [2]
Governance and organisation Governance Cromer FLAG
Governance and organisation FLAG North Norfolk
Governance and organisation Location of fishermen's organisations
Branding Brand labels
Fish as food Fish selling Fishmonger: J J & C a S Davies, 7 Garden St, Cromer, Norfolk NR27 9HN
Fish as food Fish processing Jonas Seafood Ltd, Stone Hill Way, Cromer, Norfolk, NR27 9JW
Fish as food Restaurants/hotels
Tourism & Education Festivals Cromer and Sheringham's Crab and Lobster Festival
Tourism & Education Fishing museums Cromer Museum, East Cottages, Tucker Street, Cromer, Norfolk, NR27 9HB
Tourism & Education Aquariums
Tourism & Education Monuments
Tourism&Education Fishing training School

Vessel type 1: <10 m vessels
Vessel type 2: >10 m vessels

