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Welcome to the Coastal Wiki, your guide to coastal knowledge and experience


The Coastal Wiki is a public information site containing a large number of articles dealing with scientific, technological and management aspects of coastal zones. Its purpose is to share basic knowledge and information within the communities of coastal and marine scientists and practitioners. You can find information on almost any coastal topic by entering a matching term in the search box. Suggestions appear for articles with your keyword in the title. You can also get a list of all articles in which your keyword is mentioned by clicking on 'containing' under in the search box.

Articles are categorized according to disciplinary fields. The main categories are:

Coastal and marine ecosystems‏‎
Coastal and marine observation and monitoring‏‎
Coastal and marine pollution
Coastal protection
Physical coastal and marine processes‏‎
Integrated coastal zone management
Climate change, impacts and adaptation

Each category has several subcategories for a more detailed search. Some articles are only listed under the subcategories.

The Coastal Wiki was launched in 2007 with an initial grant of the European Commission. See also More about the Coastal Wiki.


We invite coastal and marine scientists, practitioners and policymakers to share their knowledge and experience in coastal knowledge, practices and management. The Coastal Wiki is a popular source of information; most articles are viewed more than a hundred times and some articles even a few thousand times each month. Several portals give access to the Coastal Wiki content.

How to contribute

For adding or editing articles a password is required, which you may obtain by sending an email to You will receive a request to provide contact information for the Wiki Contact Database. At the end of each article authors, co-authors and editors of articles are explicitly acknowledged. Please take note that the Coastal Wiki is primarily meant for disseminating knowledge to a broader audience than the circles of specialists working at the frontiers of science. It is not meant for publishing original research. Coastal Wiki articles contain typically: a general introduction, explanation of concepts and processes, illustrations, practical examples, useful methods/formulas, links to related articles, references and suggestions for further reading. Please read the help pages indicated in the box below before you start writing an article.

Quality Assurance

All Coastal Wiki contributions are reviewed by the scientific content moderator, Job Dronkers, by members of the Coastal Wiki Editorial Board or by invited reviewers. Review comments are published on the discussion page attached to each article. The Coastal Wiki does not contain AI-generated texts. Before editing your article, please take note of the review criteria indicated in the description of the review process.

Help page Basic setup, rules and guidelines How to edit an article Glossary