10 PEGASO CASES (Collaborative Application SitES) aim at testing and validating the assessment tools developed during the project at different spatial scales, and at contributing to the Regional Assessment at basin scale of the Mediterranean and Black Sea. The CASES have been chosen in order to obtain a set of heterogeneous coastal situations; the CASES selected both in the Mediterranean (7 CASES) and in the Black Sea (3 CASES) represent different coastal physical features, geographic scales, socio economic contexts, coastal issues, conflicts among uses, and ICZM experiences. The CASES, shown in the list below, represent valuable coastal ecosystems (e.g. river deltas, lagoons, protected areas), they range from a local scale of few kilometers to a transboundary scale of thousands kilometers; some of the CASES have already gained experiences in the field of ICZM while others have started considering ICZM only recently; some CASES show coastal issues concerned with natural hazards (e.g. erosion, sea level rise inundation), other with anthropogenic impacts (e.g. urban sprawl, pollution) and different conflicts among land uses. The PEGASO project is indeed a challenge for researchers and practitioners: given the great heterogeneity of the CASES, great attention will be paid on the efforts for addressing flexibility and effectiveness of the assessment tools.
Below you can find specific information for each CASE by clicking on the flags in the map (left) or on the names (right). The information is structured as follows:
- CASE description
Some general information on the CASE. As stated before, the 10 PEGASO CASES have different scales, coastal issues and ICZM experience.
Identification of the starting phase for the specific CASE (based on the checklist on ICZM phase).
- Main coastal issues
List of the main coastal issues selected for the CASE. Coastal Issues could be relevant both at national and basin scale.
- Objectives
It specifies the objectives applicable to each CASE (e.g. to develop planning options for decision-makers, to increase the well-being of fishermen, to develop adaptation strategy for climate change) on the basis of the selected coastal issues.
- End Products
List of the end-product(s) produced or achieved for each specific objective (e.g. Early warning system, project proposals for new funding, National ICZM strategy, Decision Support System Tool, new institutional proposals).
- Tools foreseen to be developed and used
Identification of the PEGASO tools to be applied: LEAC, participatory methods, scenario, indicators, socio-economic assessment. Other tools may be developed/implemented.
- Training needs
Training needs about PEGASO tools are stated based on CASES requirements.
10 PEGASO CASES - Overview