Database of useful links - Theme 6

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The following is a database of linke to useful websites in different aspect of Coastal Zone Management and Theme 6 in particular.


Dancore --- The Danish network for coastal research
Coastweb --- Coastal and marine information portal

Ecomorphology and Habitat Restoration

Coastal habitat restoration --- Links to good informaiton on habitat restoration of many different habitat types. Wiki-type resources.

Resources: Documentation

Coastal habitat restoration --- Introductory report document guide.
Coastalscience guide --- Volume 2 of coastalscience guide.
Estuary guide --- Review of coastal habitat creation, resoration and recharge schemes.
National Review Coastal Habitat Restoration, Washington. National Review of Innovative and Successful Coastal Habitat Restoration.
Restoration monitoring --- Science based restoration monitoring of coastal habitats - Link to guidance manual online. Provides technical assistance, outlines neccesary steps, and provides useful tools for development and implementation of sounds scientific monitoring of coastal restoration efforts.*
Wetlands restoration --- An Introduction and User’s Guide to Wetland Restoration, Creation and Enhancement. A guide for the public containing backgroun of wetlands restoration, information on project planning implementation and monitoring, and a list of resources, contacts and funding sources.

Information portals

Coastalmanagement --- Sources interesting and informative websites to assist users to sustainably manage, use and research the world's coasts.
Coastal management --- Related WWW sites to coastal management.
CoastNet --- (UK) An international networking organisation established in 1995 that works with all coastal interests to promote the exchange of ideas, information and expertise to find long term solutions to coastal problems that benefit all.
CoPraNet glossary --- Contains an extensive glossary of coastal terms.
Dicea --- Dicea * Delft Interactive coastal engineering assistant. Excellent information system providing information in modules of many subjects related to coastal engineering.
Eionet --- Partnership between EEA and countries, supporting the collection and organisation of data and the development and dissemination of informaiton concerning Europe's environment.
EnviroWindows --- Environmental Information for business and local authorities.
Glossary --- Glossary of coastal Terminology - (Southwest Washington Coastal Erosion Study)
MareNet --- Worldwide Network of Marine Research Institutions and Documents.
NetCoast --- A guide to integrated coastal zone management.
NOKIS --- NOKIS++ is a project which investigates the implementation of information infrastructures as part of Integrated Coastal Zone Management. This page is a meta data information system for coastal research and engineering.
Safecoast --- Keeping our feet dry in the North Sea region.
SEA-SEARCH --- Oceanographic and Marine Data & Information in Europe.
The Coastal engineering page --- Good overview with many links.


Encora 1 powerpoint presentation, Theme 6 --- Karen Edelvang
Links to presentations given by participants in Valencia

Links to further resources

Networks of excellence
Public education
Case studies