Key stakeholder interviews
From Coastal Wiki
Stakeholder interviews aim to elicit detailed information and opinions on an issue through wide-ranging discussion rather than specific questioning.
- Select interviewees according to designated criteria (areas of expertise, representation of groups, complementary of skills for committees).
- Arrange times and places for interviewing. Better quality information will be forthcoming if the interviewee is in a familiar setting, so it may be easier for the interviewer to go to them.
- Ensure uninterrupted time for at least one hour.
- Check all equipment and take spare tapes, batteries, pens, etc. to avoid any interruptions during the interview.
- Try to transcribe interview notes as soon as possible after the interview, while nuances, body language and asides are still in the interviewer’s memory.
- Prepare a report, including the verbatim interviews, and offer copies to the interviewees.
- A Key stakeholder interview guide:
A specific form of stakeholder interviews is semi-structured interviewing (SSI). Please see the following link for more information on SSI: