Template:This weeks featured article
Argus applications
Successful use of video monitoring techniques in support of coastal management and engineering involves the quantification of relevant coastal state information from video data. Sophisticated, operational video analysis methods nowadays enable the quantification of:
- Shoreline evolution and beach width, to evaluate the potential for recreation or to assess the morphological impact of a storm event
- Erosional and accretional sediment volumes at the intertidal beach, for example to evaluate the morphological impact of coastal structures, to investigate seasonal fluctuations in beach dynamics and beach nourishments or to study the behaviour of morphological features such as sand spits and tidal flats near a harbour entrance
- Subtidal beach bathymetry, to evaluate coastal safety, to assess the behaviour and performance of shoreface nourishments or even to facilitate military operations
- Wave run-up, to evaluate the stability of coastal structures such as seawalls, harbour moles and revetments
- Coastal State Indicators with a high resolution in time through assimilation of model computations with Argus observations
In a research context, video monitoring techniques have been applied to quantify alongshore flow velocities, wave characteristics such as wave angle and period, the occurrence of algae bloom and the distribution and persistence of rip currents. Future applications may involve the monitoring of visitor density at the beach and the prediction of rip currents.
The continuous collection of long-term, high-resolution data sets carries the additional advantage of a posteriori data selection, for instance for the consistent assessment of storm damage to public and private property and the early recognition of important erosion trends.