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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
11:46, 21 September 2024 PCB.jpg (file) 18 KB Dronkers J Molecular structure polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB). 2
11:44, 21 September 2024 Tributyltin.jpg (file) 5 KB Dronkers J Molecular structure tributyltin (TBT). 1
11:10, 21 September 2024 EutrophicationZostera.jpg (file) 93 KB Dronkers J Overgrown Zostera in the Baltic Sea. Photo credit Metsähallitus. Creative Commons Licence CC BY-SA 2.0 1
16:16, 14 September 2024 Exchange fluxes mixing.jpg (file) 64 KB Dronkers J Exchange fluxes mixed salt-fresh interface 1
13:55, 14 September 2024 GroundwaterTracer.jpg (file) 50 KB Dronkers J Determination of submarine groundwater discharge by measuring tracer concentrations <math>c(x)</math>. 1
20:16, 10 September 2024 TurtlePlasticIngest.jpg (file) 68 KB Dronkers J Sea turtle eating a plastic bag. Image from 1
19:46, 10 September 2024 PlasticGarbageBeach.jpg (file) 200 KB Dronkers J Beach covered with plastic garbage. Photo credit: Mel D Cole/World Bank 1
19:45, 10 September 2024 EntangledTurtle.jpg (file) 73 KB Dronkers J A green sea turtle is entangled in an abandoned fishing net. Image courtesy of Doug Helton, NOAA. Wikimedia commons 1
22:14, 5 September 2024 TankerSpillStats23.jpg (file) 53 KB Dronkers J Quantities of oil spilled from tanker incidents 1970-2023. From ITOPF website 1
10:08, 31 August 2024 SeabedRipples.jpg (file) 377 KB Dronkers J Seabed ripples. Photo credit Julia Harwood. 1
13:31, 30 August 2024 PhaseLead.jpg (file) 35 KB Dronkers J The phase lead angle <math>\phi</math> of the bed shear stress relative to the bed perturbation as a function of <math>k \, d_{50}</math>. Figure adapted from Charru et al. (2013<ref name=C13/>). 2
20:02, 22 August 2024 Bedform7.jpg (file) 37 KB Dronkers J If oscillating flow is assumed to be equivalent to successive periods of steady flow from the right and from the left, then the net resulting flow pattern consists of circulation cells that move sediment grains from the troughs to the crests. 1
20:00, 22 August 2024 Bedform6.jpg (file) 82 KB Dronkers J Flow pattern adjusted to a bed perturbation similar as in Fig. 5, but with the flow direction reversed. 1
19:58, 22 August 2024 Bedform5.jpg (file) 90 KB Dronkers J The negative vorticity balance on the upstream side of the ripple drives a counterclockwise circulation, while the positive balance on the downstream side drives a clockwise circulation. 1
19:29, 22 August 2024 Bedform4.jpg (file) 78 KB Dronkers J Transport of vorticity (rotational component of velocity) at the ripple trough and ripple crest. 1
19:29, 22 August 2024 Bedform3.jpg (file) 60 KB Dronkers J The velocity profiles at the ripple trough and the ripple crest corresponding to the contraction-divergence of the streamlines. 1
19:27, 22 August 2024 Bedform2.jpg (file) 63 KB Dronkers J The emerging ripple is eroded where the shear stress increases due to contraction of the streamline toward the sediment bed. Accretion occurs where streamlines diverge from the sediment bed. The erosion-accretion boundary is shifted by the saturation l... 1
19:26, 22 August 2024 Bedform1.jpg (file) 52 KB Dronkers J Steady flow streamlines over an emerging bed ripple in a vertical longitudinal section. 1
11:17, 12 August 2024 WaveAngles.jpg (file) 105 KB Dronkers J Wave incidence angles in a 1-line model where the breaker contour line is parallel to the shoreline. 2
11:18, 9 August 2024 BumpheadParrotfish JennyHuang.jpg (file) 120 KB Dronkers J Bumphead parrotfish. Parrotfish contribute to bioerosion by rasping algae from coral and other rocky substrates with their teeth tightly packed on the external surface of their jaw bones. For example, parrotfish grazing accounted for the production of... 1
20:39, 3 August 2024 NileDeltaDuneFences.jpg (file) 270 KB Dronkers J Dune development with sand fences for coastal protection (Egypt, 2022). Green Climate Fund project “Enhancing Climate Change Adaptation in the North Coast and Nile Delta Regions”. 1
17:00, 3 August 2024 ChadwickFig2a.jpg (file) 175 KB Dronkers J Wave transformations at Bigbury bay, Devon, England. Photograph courtesy of Dr S M White. 2
20:15, 21 June 2024 EkmanBottomLayer.jpg (file) 37 KB Dronkers J Velocity veering in the Ekman bottom layer. 1
14:38, 20 June 2024 EkmanTransport.jpg (file) 34 KB Dronkers J EkmanTransport.jpg Alongshore wind (coast at the left in the Northern hemisphere) produces offshore Ekman transport in the upper Ekman layer. This offshore transport is compensated by onshore flow at depth and upwelling. 1
16:02, 16 June 2024 MeteotsunamisCiutadella.jpg (file) 73 KB Dronkers J Meteo tsunami at Ciutadella (Menorca,Spain) on 15 September 2021. Red curve = atmospheric pressure perturbation, blue curve = harbor oscillation Ciutadella, green curve = mid-troposphese wind speed. Redrawn from Villalonga et al. (2024<ref>Villalonga,... 1
21:38, 2 June 2024 WaveOrbits.jpg (file) 49 KB Dronkers J Particle displacements for deep and transitional waves. 1
20:50, 2 June 2024 DefSinusWave.jpg (file) 25 KB Dronkers J Definition sketch for a sinusoidal wave. 1
16:13, 23 May 2024 CoveTGroinMorph.jpg (file) 40 KB Dronkers J Equilibrium morphology of an artificial cove formed by T-groynes. 1
22:05, 16 May 2024 SeabedRipplesBahamas.jpg (file) 147 KB Dronkers J Symmetrical ripples in biogenic, aragonitic sand (shallow subtidal seafloor just offshore from Sand Dollar Beach, nw San Salvador Island, eastern Bahamas). Photo credit James St. John. Creative Commons Licence 1
22:04, 16 May 2024 RiverBedRipplesKennetcookRiver.jpg (file) 288 KB Dronkers J Current-generated linguoid ripples, Kennetcook River, Nova Scotia, Canada. Photo credit J. Waldron 1
22:03, 16 May 2024 CurrentRipplesMSM.jpg (file) 103 KB Dronkers J Current ripples in a fine-sediment channel bed, Baie du Mont Saint Michel. 1
22:02, 16 May 2024 AntidunesWillametteRiver.jpg (file) 139 KB Dronkers J Antidunes in the Willamette River (USA). Photo credit Marli Miller. 1
17:51, 16 May 2024 BedformDiagram.jpg (file) 122 KB Dronkers J Bedform stability diagram for unidirectional currents. Redrawn after Southard and Boguchwal (1990). 1
11:52, 16 May 2024 RippleModels.jpg (file) 423 KB Dronkers J Empirical ripple prediction formulas. Left: Predictions of the ripple height. Right: Predictions of the ripple wavelength. 2
11:39, 10 May 2024 DAPPScheme.jpg (file) 81 KB Dronkers J Steps of the Dynamic Adaptation Policy Pathways approach. From Haasnoot et al. (2013) 2
17:42, 4 May 2024 MytilicultureSaintMichel.jpg (file) 348 KB Dronkers J Mussel farm in Baie du Mont Saint Michel (France). Mussel cultivating takes place on poles (bouchots) drilled deep into the seabed. For seed collection, a coconut fiber rope is wrapped in a spiral around the post. When time comes for grow-out, a nettin... 1
16:23, 28 April 2024 DepositionFluxFlocs.jpg (file) 74 KB Dronkers J Deposition flux of flocculated sediment from the San Francisco Bay tested in a flume. Modified from Mehta et al. (2014) 2
10:14, 28 April 2024 SettlingvelocityBarataria.jpg (file) 34 KB Dronkers J Settling velocity as function of the velocity shear rate measured in Barataria basin (USA Gulf coast). Redrawn after McDonell et al. (2024). 1
17:02, 27 April 2024 OsmosisProcess.jpg (file) 203 KB Dronkers J Osmosis through a semi-permeable membrane that allows passage of solvent molecules (blue) while blocking the passage of solute molecules (red). 2
13:23, 22 April 2024 Lysocline.jpg (file) 53 KB Dronkers J Zones of calcite and aragonite dissolution. Redrawn after Harris et al. (2023). 1
19:55, 15 April 2024 RippleRegimeTransportCompressed.gif (file) 1.9 MB Dronkers J Wave-induced sand transport over a seabed ripple. Courtesy Jebbe van der Werf. 1
17:59, 6 April 2024 BeachClassification.jpg (file) 51 KB Dronkers J Beach morphologies according to the parameters <math>\Omega</math> and <math>RTR</math>. Reflective beaches are found in the red zone and dissipative beaches in the blue zone. 2
14:34, 4 April 2024 MangroveRootSystems.jpg (file) 82 KB Dronkers J Mangrove root systems. Avicennia, Rhizophora and Bruguiera, from left to right, after Marchand (2008) 1
16:23, 1 April 2024 BeachRockBrazil.jpg (file) 194 KB Dronkers J Beachrock along the Brazilian coast. 1
16:12, 31 March 2024 WaveTransmissionEasternScheldtOysterReef.jpg (file) 68 KB Dronkers J Comparison of Eq. (1) (red dashed line) with the wave transmission coefficient measured (blue/green/yellow dots)on an oyster reef in the Eastern Scheldt (Netherlands). Insert: Shape of the oyster reef. 1
14:48, 30 March 2024 PontoonBreakwaters.jpg (file) 96 KB Dronkers J Different types of pontoon breakwaters. 1
20:16, 28 March 2024 SubmergedBreakwaterErosionSedimentation.jpg (file) 54 KB Dronkers J Flow circulation patterns behind a submerged breakwater for shore-normal wave incidence. Beach erosion or beach accretion may occur depending on the type of circulation pattern. 1
21:34, 26 March 2024 ColumnRevetment.jpg (file) 255 KB Dronkers J Column revetment of Marazion sea wall, Cornwall, United Kingdom. Credit: Charles Gould. Licensed under Creative Commons 1
19:09, 27 February 2024 WavePlungeLipari.jpg (file) 175 KB Dronkers J Plunging wave, still from the video by Vincentz 2013 under licence CC Y-SA (attribution and share-alike). 1
17:08, 23 February 2024 PsephurusGladius.jpg (file) 319 KB Dronkers J The Chinese paddlefish (''Psephurus gladius''). Image public domain. 1
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