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Attached or stuck to vegetation, e.g. opistobranchs, mermaid purses, cephalopod eggs etc. +
Asexual reproduction via somatic growth processes, fragmentation, fission, or budding (adapted from Lincoln ''et al.'', 1998) +
A free-swimming molluscan larva, characterized by lobed extensions of the peroral trochus (velum), larval shell and rudimentary foot (Stachowitsch, 1992). +
variable set of folds, musculature and glands, present on the ventral side of many polychaetes, is usually referred to as a ventral proboscis and is the most common form in Polychaetes. The ventral proboscis may be a simple eversible muscular pad, the outer end of these pharynges may be frilled and densely ciliated. Other species have the lateral walls of the proboscis folded and broadly connected ventrally to a deep buccal organ, others have a ventral proboscis also present. +
The ventral and lateral walls of the buccal region are muscular and the lining is sclerotized into a varying number of eversible jaw pieces. The jaws are separated into a pair of ventral mandibles and two or more pairs of lateral maxillae. +
Worm like but lacking true segments although annuli may be present, e.g. roundworms (Nematoda) and ribbon worms (Nemertea). +
Worm-like with the body divided into semi-independent, serially repeated units (Barnes et al., 1993) e.g. Annelida. +
Worm-like where the external surface is divided into a chain of rings or 'annuli' by furrows giving the appearance of segments (Barnes ''et al.'', 1993). +
A description of the vertical biological zone or zonation in which an organism resides. The zone is determined by depth, physical, chemical and biological factors. +
1) Open coasts which face into prevailing winds and which receive wind-driven waves and oceanic swell without any offshore obstructions for several hundred kilometres, but where deep water is not close to the shore (50 m depth contour further than about 300 m). 2) Open coasts adjacent to extremely exposed sites but which face away from prevailing winds. +
Coasts with a fetch less than about 3 km where they face prevailing winds or about 20 km where they face away from prevailing winds, or which have offshore obstructions such as reefs or a narrow (<30°) open water window. +
>6 knots (>3 m/sec) +
1) Producing live offspring from within the body of the parent (Lincoln ''et al.'', 1998). 2) Development of an embryo within the body of the parent, in part, resources passing directly from parent to embryo (Barnes ''et al.'', 2006). +
Offspring are nurtured and protected by the adult +
A taxon is Vulnerable when the best available evidence indicates that it meets any of the criteria A to E for Vulnerable (see Section V), and it is therefore considered to be facing a high risk of extinction in the wild. +
Where the species alters water levels or causes nuisance fouling on boats/water structures. +
Defined via traits - but included as some authors do not specify level of wave exposure. +