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Cone with flattended top (Olenina ''et al.'', 2006)  +
An organism that lives in a tube of its own construction (e.g. mucus, bound sand grains, Calcium carbonate etc).  +
Whorled (Brusca, 1980).  +
The lowest stratum of erect branching or filiform species.  +
Species very sensitive to organic enrichment and present under unpolluted conditions (initial state). They include the specialist carnivores and some deposit-feeding tubicolous polychaetes.  +
Species indifferent to enrichment, always present in low densities with non-significant variations with time (from initial state, to slight unbalance). These include suspension feeders, less selective carnivores and scavengers.  +
Species tolerant to excess organic matter enrichment. These species may occur under normal conditions, but their populations are stimulated by organic richment (slight unbalance situations). They are surface deposit-feeding species, as tubicolous spionids.  +
Second-order opportunistic species (slight to pronounced unbalanced situations). Mainly small sized polychaetes: subsurface deposit-feeders, such as cirratulids.  +
First-order opportunistic species (pronounced unbalanced situations). These are deposit- feeders, which proliferate in reduced sediments.  +
Common in OSPAR Region IV  +
Fully enclosed coasts with a fetch measured in tens or at most a few hundred metres.  +
Habitat associated with the underside of boulders.  +
The habitat formed by the underside of ice sheets at the interface of frozen ice and fluid seawater.  +
Organisms that grow by a determinate pathway of development of a tightly canalized adult form, e.g. all arthropods and vertebrates (from Begon ''et al.'', 2005).  +
One generation per year / annuals (Barnes ''et al.'', 2006).  +
Dominated by animals with sparse foliose algae except where grazed. The part of the circalittoral subzone on hard substrata distinguished by the presence of scattered foliose algae amongst the dominating animals; its lower limit is the maximum limit of depth for foliose algae (based on Hiscock, 1985).  +
Barnacles and limpets present in quantity with ''Fucus vesiculosus'' and ''Ascophyllum'' although often this belt has only sparse algal cover compared with the lower eulittoral (Hiscock, 1996).  +
The part of the infralittoral subzone which, on hard substrata, is dominated by Laminariales forming a dense canopy, or kelp forest (based on Hiscock, 1985).  +
Top of the littoral fringe, characterized by ''Verrucaria maura'' with ''Littorina saxatilis'' and ''Littorina neritoides'' often present. May include saltmarsh species on shale/pebbles in shelter (Hiscock, 1996).  +
Organisms that live vertically in the sediment, typically head-down at depth in the sediment, and that transport particles from depth to the sediment surface (adapted from Kristensen ''et al.'', 2012).  +