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This is a property of type Text. It links to pages that use the form MstConcept.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
Species whose biological status is uncertain i.e. it is uncertain if the species is native or alien to the location.  +
Species whose origins cannot be verified OR a species whose origin has not been specified in the source information.  +
Where the species has a known but undefined or uncertain impact.  +
The surface of other species, e.g. shells or carapace.  +
Where the species dominates or outcompetes native species for resources and/or space.  +
An ellipsoid on an elliptic base (Olenina ''et al.'', 2006)  +
An overhanging part of a rock formation. Typically the surface of the rock below the overhang receives some cover or shade from the overhang.  +
Egg laying; producing eggs that are laid and hatch externally (Lincoln ''et al.'', 1998).  +
Parents, guard or protect the eggs/clutch e.g. birds, some reptiles  +
Fully formed eggs are retained and hatched inside the maternal body and are released as live offspring (Lincoln ''et al.'', 1998). No nutrition is derived from the mother.  +
Specialist - Protobranch molluscs  +
Appendages bear mucus laden papilae or tube feet (e.g. suspension feeding echinoderns, brittlestars, crinoids).  +
In geometry, a parallelepiped is a three-dimensional figure formed by six parallelograms (the term rhomboid is also sometimes used with this meaning)  +
An organism that is intimately associated with, and metabolically dependent on, another organism (termed the host) for completion of its life cycle and which is detrimental to the host (see Lincoln ''et al.'', 1998)  +
An organism that is intimately associated with, and metabolically dependant on another living organism, for completion of its life cycle, and which is detrimental to the host to a lesser or greater extent.  +
An organism intermediate between a parasite and a predator; e.g. hymenopterans where the larvae feed within the tissue of a living host, leading to the death of the host (adapted from Lincoln ''et al.'', 1998).  +
A poriferan larva composed of a ciliated ball of cells (blastula), with a brief swimming phase (Ruppert & Barnes, 1994).  +
Catching food on a filter held into flowing water (e.g. hydroids, sea fans, sea pens), or collecting the 'rain' of detritus on sticky apparatus other than a filter (e.g. Cucumaria frondosa, proboscis of echinurans) (MarLIN; Hiscock et al. 1999).  +
Movement dependent on wind or water currents  +
Where the species is a pathogen/parasite of native species or carrier of a pathogen/parasite which infects/parasitizes native species.  +