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Country or sea area which is the native range of the species. +
Where an invasive species migrates from a known introduced location to a new area/region using a natural mode/mechanism of dispersal; as the original location is part of its introduced range this pathway is included here. +
Free-swimming larva, with a characteristic triangular shape, rostral horns in some, three pairs of appendages, and sometimes a nauplia eye. The number of nauplius stages varies between groups (see Stachowitsch, 1992). +
A taxon is Near Threatened when it has been evaluated against the criteria but does not qualify for Critically Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable now, but is close to qualifying for or is likely to qualify for a threatened category in the near future. +
A polychaete larval stage where the first set of chaetal bundles and parapodia develop, although the ciliary girdle remains for swimming (see Stachowitsch, 1992). +
Active swimming organisms that live in the water column and are able to move independently of the water mass (adapted from Lincoln <i>et al.</i>, 1998). +
Eggs are laid and abandoned by adult +
Offspring are abandoned by the adult +
Remaining within the same area (from Lincoln ''et al.'',1998). +
Incapable of self-fertilization, due to physical or temporal separation of gametes, and/or self-incompatability genes +
component that keeps the agglutinated particles of the non-massive skeleton together. +
small and individual structural elements that function as supporting structure/enclosure, e.g. spicules in sponges. +
Independent without a defined territory +
Non-feeding life stages (e.g. lecithotroph) +
Species that has not demonstrated any invasive traits in its introduced range. +
A taxon is Not Evaluated when it has not yet been evaluated against the criteria. +
The common indicators agreed by OSPAR for assessing the status of biodiversity in the North-East Atlantic cover marine mammals, seabirds, fish communities, seafloor habitats, pelagic habitats, non-indigenous species and food webs.
The biodiversity common indicators contributed assessments of the status biodiversity in the North-East Atlantic to the OSPAR Intermediate Assessment 2017. The assessments are published in the OSPAR Assessment Portal.
The indicators are based on information from monitoring programmes described in the Coordinated Environment Monitoring Programme (CEMP). The programmes are described in the Appendices to the CEMP Agreement. Detailed descriptions, including method descriptions for the indicator calculations, are included in the CEMP Guideline Agreements. +
The OSPAR Biological Diversity and Ecosystems Strategy sets out that the OSPAR Commission will assess which species and habitats need to be protected. This OSPAR List of Threatened and/or Declining Species and Habitats has been developed to fulfil this commitment. It is based upon nominations by Contracting Parties and observers to the Commission of species and habitats that they consider to be priorities for protection. +