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Traits relating to the movement of the species  +
Secretion of a simple or complex mucus mesh to filter food particles from water column (e.g polychaetes ''Chaetopterus'' and larvaceans.  +
1) Particle size <0.063 mm (silt / clay fraction) (Hiscock, 1996) 2) >90% mud (Long, 2006)  +
Mud and sandy muds where mud is the major fraction (see Long, 2006)  +
Gravel (30-80%) with mud (see Long, 2006)  +
Sand (50-90%) with mud (see Long, 2006)  +
Gravel (30-80%) with mud and sand (see Long, 2006)  +
The free-swimming eight armed (lobed) ciliated larva of Platyhelminthes (see Rupert & Barnes, 1994).  +
Many generations per year (Barnes ''et al.'', 2006).  +
Swimming is effected by muscular contractions along the length of the body, which may be aided by body protrusions or structures (e.g. parapodia, fins).  +
The proboscis has thickened, strongly muscular walls and can be retracted into a sheath. In other cases the pharynx is partially retracted and partially inverted. The mouth proper is located at the tip of the pharynx when fully everted. While some taxa have a jaw-less proboscis, others have jaws present as a bilaterally arranged pair, as one or two dorso-ventrally arranged pairs or as two pairs forming a cross.  +
A symbiosis in which both organisms benefit; frequently a relationship of complete dependence. (Lincoln ''et al.'', 1998) (cf.symbiosis, commensalism, parasite).  +
Species that is native to the country or sea area.  +
Species that is native and endemic to a country or sea area i.e. a species that is unique to a location or habitat.  +
Species that is native to an area but is not endemic to it i.e. a species that has a wide native range.  +
Country or sea area which is the native range of the species.  +
Where an invasive species migrates from a known introduced location to a new area/region using a natural mode/mechanism of dispersal; as the original location is part of its introduced range this pathway is included here.  +
Free-swimming larva, with a characteristic triangular shape, rostral horns in some, three pairs of appendages, and sometimes a nauplia eye. The number of nauplius stages varies between groups (see Stachowitsch, 1992).  +
A taxon is Near Threatened when it has been evaluated against the criteria but does not qualify for Critically Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable now, but is close to qualifying for or is likely to qualify for a threatened category in the near future.  +
A polychaete larval stage where the first set of chaetal bundles and parapodia develop, although the ciliary girdle remains for swimming (see Stachowitsch, 1992).  +