Property:Free text

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This is a property of type Text. It links to pages that use the form MstConcept.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
Definition requires specialist input (sea birds).  +
Definition requires specialist input  +
Definition requires input. Is the 'instar' stage considered to be a larval stage or an juvenile stage.  +
Definition requires specialist input  +
Definition requires input. The above definition is probably not relevant for most species, except some insects and vertebrates (e.g. birds, reptiles, mammals) that have distinct juvenile stages.  +
Definition requires input.  +
Definition requires input - need to decide on standard format - record the range months or seasons over which settlement occurs. Months (Jan., Feb. .... Dec.) are preferred as provide a higher resolution and are independent of hemisphere. But need to record geographical location. Record if period is minimum, maximum or average.  +
Definition requires input - need to decide standard format. The trait value needs to record duration in days or months. Do we record the time from egg to adult i.e. all larval stages, or the duration of each larval stage where there are more than one?  +
This traits uses the 'substratum type' trait value list.  +
Definition requires input - decide on standard approach - record if age is minimum, maximum or average.In addition the gender (m/f) should be documented.  +
Definition requires input - individual life stages and descriptions to be confirmed by taxonomic specialists  +
Definiton specific to decapod Crustacea  +
Definiton specific to decapod Crustacea  +
Definition specific to Polychaeta  +
Definition requires input from EMODNET habitats. The current 'definition' is a catch all that needs specialist input and discussion. At present the 'slightly gravelly' categories (Folk, 1954; Long, 2006) are not included. Where does 'lag' fit into this scheme.  +
Long D., (2006). BGS detailed explanation of seabed sediment modified Folk classification.  +
Definition specific to Platyhelminthes  +
Definition requires input - is there another word for this action 'muscular contraction' used in studies of invertebrate and vertebrate swimming/locomotion.  +
Definition specific to Crustacea  +
Definition specific to Polychaeta  +