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Haploid males develop from unfertilized eggs and diploid females from fertilized eggs (adapted from Lincoln 'et al.'', 1998). +
Jointed, arthrous (Holmes, 1979). +
E.g. wood, metal or concrete structures. +
A free-swimming tadpole-like larva of ascidians, characterized by a head (bearing internal organs and adhesive papilla) and tail (with notochord and neural tube) (Stachowitsch, 1992). +
Reproduction not involving the exchange of genetic material, amictic, individuals derived form a single parent (Barnes ''et al.'', 2006); not involving the fusion of gametes (Lincoln ''et al.'', 1998) +
Attached to the sediment surface e.g. by mucilagenous sheath such as used by necklace shells, and opistobranchs +
First free-swimming larval stage of the Holothuroidea. It is characterized by a continuous and curving flagellated band (Stachowitsch, 1992). +
Obligate self-fertilization (Lincoln ''et al.'', 1998) in which haploid eggs /gametes are produced by meiosis but diploidy is restored without fertilization. +
Self-feeding. An organism capable of synthesizing complex organic substances from simple inorganic substrates (Lincoln ''et al.'', 1998). +
Use of a length of silk to be carried by the wind (e.g. spiders) +
Occupying the ocean floor from ca 200 - 4000 m depth (Lincoln ''et al.'', 1998). +
Extends from ca 1000-2500 m. +
An organism that lives in large aggregations or beds (e.g. brittlestars, mussels, oysters, ''Crepidula'' etc, sea squirts) +
Any stable hard substratum, not separated into boulders or smaller sediment units. Includes soft rock-types such as chalk, peat and clay. (Hiscock ''et al.'', 1999; MarLIN) +
A zone of open water extending ca 100 m above the surface of the sea bed at all depths below the edge of the continental shelf. +
30-36 psu +
5-<10 psu +
0.5-<3 psu +