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This is a property of type Text. It links to pages that use the form MstConcept.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
Attached or stuck to hard substrata, e.g. dog whelk capsules  +
Height above the surface of the substratum of an individual or single modular colony. e.g a blade of seagrass, a seaweed thallus, projecting tube worm, upright sea pen etc.  +
An organism which only feeds on plants, including phytoplankton.  +
The haploid and diploid phases are different in size and body shape; the gametophyte is often diminutive (small to microscopic).  +
An organism that obtains nourishment from exogenous (external) organic material (Lincoln ''et al.'', 1998).  +
Calcite where more then 8wt.% CaCO3 is substituted by MgCO3.  +
An organism that provides food or shelter for another organisms, e.g. the inhabited symbiont. May be a definitive host infected by an adult stage or an intermediate host infected by life stages (see Lincoln ''et al.'', 1998).  +
Bird/insect specific  +
Where the species impacts human health.  +
Skeletal support provided by hydrostatic pressure from a fluid filled cavity (e.g. the coelum) surrounded by muscles. Hydrostatic pressure provides skeletal support in sea anemones, jellyfish, nematodes, annelids, echinoderms, and other groups.  +
>40 psu  +
Living above but close to the substratum (Lincoln ''et al.'', 1998).  +
Provides taxonomic, conservation status, and distribution information on taxa that are facing a high risk of global extinction.  +
Sea ice, icebergs and other ice-associated marine habitats.  +
Information on the impact of introduced and invasive marine species has been recorded. These include impacts on native species, their habitats and ecosystems, human health and activity, transmission of diseases, etc. Descriptive terms of impacts were standardized and listed in a look-up table. These terms have been adapted from Hayes (2005).  +
Species that have been introduced and maintained in captivity or cultivated for example those species that are farmed in aquaculture or mariculture facilities.  +
Independant, individual organisms  +
This describes any situation in which an invasive species is "accidentally" set free in the wild from aquaria sources leading to its introduction into a new area/region.  +
This describes any situation in which an invasive species is intentionally planted or set free in the wild leading to its introduction into a new area/region.  +
Where the species affects the behaviour of native species.  +