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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Open waters of deep oceanic trenches, from ca 6000 m and below.  +
Half cone (Olenina ''et al.'', 2006)  +
Half cone with flattened ellipsoid (Olenina ''et al.'', 2006)  +
Half parallelepiped (Olenina ''et al.'', 2006)  +
Half sphere (dome)  +
Both haploid and diploid forms, with gametophytes giving rise to haploid gametes, and sporophytes giving rise to haploid spores by meiosis  +
A life cycle in which meiosis occurs in the zygote to produce the haploid phase but in which only the zygote is diploid (Lincoln ''et al.'', 1998).  +
Hard substratum e.g. bedrock, concrete, boulders,cobbles and pebbles  +
Immobile hard substratum e.g. solid rock, concrete but including soft rocks, such as chalk.  +
Mobile hard substratum, e.g. cobbles, pebbles that are regularly moved by wave action.  +
Attached or stuck to hard substrata, e.g. dog whelk capsules  +
Height above the surface of the substratum of an individual or single modular colony. e.g a blade of seagrass, a seaweed thallus, projecting tube worm, upright sea pen etc.  +
An organism which only feeds on plants, including phytoplankton.  +
The haploid and diploid phases are different in size and body shape; the gametophyte is often diminutive (small to microscopic).  +
An organism that obtains nourishment from exogenous (external) organic material (Lincoln ''et al.'', 1998).  +
Calcite where more then 8wt.% CaCO3 is substituted by MgCO3.  +
An organism that provides food or shelter for another organisms, e.g. the inhabited symbiont. May be a definitive host infected by an adult stage or an intermediate host infected by life stages (see Lincoln ''et al.'', 1998).  +
Bird/insect specific  +
Where the species impacts human health.  +
Skeletal support provided by hydrostatic pressure from a fluid filled cavity (e.g. the coelum) surrounded by muscles. Hydrostatic pressure provides skeletal support in sea anemones, jellyfish, nematodes, annelids, echinoderms, and other groups.  +