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Traits that describe an organisms preferred habitat and its position within that habitat. +
A general term to describe how the organism lives in or interacts with its habitat (adapted from BIOTIC, Bolam ''et al.'', 2013). +
The Habitats Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC) ensures the conservation of a wide range of rare, threatened or endemic animal and plant species. Some 200 rare and characteristic habitat types are also targeted for conservation in their own right.
All in all, over 1.000 animal and plant species, as well as 200 habitat types, listed in the directive's annexes are protected in various ways. +
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Annex II species (about 900): core areas of their habitat are designated as sites of Community importance (SCIs) and included in the Natura 2000 network. These sites must be managed in accordance with the ecological needs of the species. +
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Annex IV species (over 400, including many annex II species): a strict protection regime must be applied across their entire natural range within the EU, both within and outside Natura 2000 sites. +
Annex V species (over 90): Member States must ensure that their exploitation and taking in the wild is compatible with maintaining them in a favourable conservation status. +
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Occupying the ocean floor at depths exceeding ca 6000 m. Usually in trenches and canyons of the abyssal zone. (Lincoln ''et al.'', 1998). +
Open waters of deep oceanic trenches, from ca 6000 m and below. +
Half cone with flattened ellipsoid (Olenina ''et al.'', 2006) +
Half parallelepiped (Olenina ''et al.'', 2006) +
Half sphere (dome) +
Both haploid and diploid forms, with gametophytes giving rise to haploid gametes, and sporophytes giving rise to haploid spores by meiosis +
A life cycle in which meiosis occurs in the zygote to produce the haploid phase but in which only the zygote is diploid (Lincoln ''et al.'', 1998). +
Immobile hard substratum e.g. solid rock, concrete but including soft rocks, such as chalk. +
Mobile hard substratum, e.g. cobbles, pebbles that are regularly moved by wave action. +