Upload log
Below is a list of the most recent file uploads. See the gallery of new files for a more visual overview.
(newest | oldest) View (newer 50 | older 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)- 19:22, 13 January 2020 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Tsunami Phuket 2004 S.Kennedy.jpg (Impact of the Indian Ocean tsunami of December 26, 2004 at Phuket, Thailand. Image S. Kennedy, Flickr creative commons.)
- 19:21, 13 January 2020 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:BandAcehTsunamiLeadingDepression.jpg (Retreating shoreline before arrival of the major wave of the Indian Ocean tsunami at Banda Aceh on December 26, 2004.)
- 19:20, 13 January 2020 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Tsunami Phuket 2004.png (The Indian Ocean tsunami of December 26, 2004, invading the coast at Phuket Thailand as a breaking bore.)
- 19:18, 13 January 2020 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:RingofFireUSGS.jpg (Ring of fire around the Pacific.)
- 21:27, 2 January 2020 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:DamBreakFlowDerivation.png (Derivation of the solution for frictionless dam break flow.)
- 21:22, 2 January 2020 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:DamBreakFlowDerivation1.png (Derivation of the solution for frictionless dam break flow.)
- 14:17, 1 January 2020 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:DamBreakFlowDerivation.png (Derivation of the solution for frictionless dam break flow.)
- 17:24, 31 December 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:FrictionlessDamBreakFlow4.png (Derivation of the solution for frictionless dam break flow.)
- 17:10, 31 December 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:FrictionlessDamBreakFlow3.png (Derivation of the solution for frictionless dam break flow.)
- 17:03, 31 December 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:FrictionlessDamBreakFlow2.png (Derivation of the solution for frictionless dam break flow.)
- 16:46, 31 December 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:FrictionlessDamBreakFlow1.png (Derivation of the solution for frictionless dam break flow.)
- 16:15, 29 December 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:FrictionlessDamBreakFlow.png (Derivation of the solution for frictionless dam break flow.)
- 15:23, 29 December 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:FrictionlessDamBreakFlow.png (Derivation of the solution for frictionless dam break flow.)
- 15:22, 29 December 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:SouthForkDamFailure1889.jpg (Breach of the earth-filled South Fork Dam on Lake Conemaugh (Pennsylvania, US) in 1889.)
- 15:20, 29 December 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Dijkdoorbraak1953.png (Sea dikes protecting low-lying polders in the Netherlands were breached during the extreme storm surge of 31 January 1953.)
- 15:18, 29 December 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:DamBreakWaveProfiles.jpg (Wave profile after dam break. Red line: frictionless solution. Blue band: experimental lab data.)
- 15:17, 29 December 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:DamBreakFlowPrinciple.jpg (Left panel: Schematic representation of water retention behind a dam. Right panel: Positive downstream and negative upstream surges following instantaneous dam removal.)
- 17:58, 14 December 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:WaveHeightDirectionalSpreading.jpg (Wave height directional distribution, a so-called wave rose.)
- 17:57, 14 December 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:ScatterDiagramWavePeriodWaveHeight.jpg (Scatter diagram of <math>T_p</math> vs. <math>H_{m0}</math>.)
- 17:56, 14 December 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:WaveHeightExceedanceDistribution.jpg (Wave height exceedance distribution for various wave directions.)
- 15:04, 23 November 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:NarrabeenCollaroyBeachShorelineRecovery.jpg (Variation of the shoreline position in a transect of Narrabeen-Collaroy Beach (East Australia, near Sidney) over the period October 2004-May 2005.)
- 15:03, 23 November 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:DuneFootRecovery1953.jpg (Variation of the dune foot position in a beach transect of the island Walcheren (Netherlands) over the period 1900-2010.)
- 11:10, 5 November 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Random genetic drift chart.png (Ten simulations of random genetic drift. Source: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_drift Wikipedia])
- 22:01, 4 November 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:WorldMapColdWaterCoralReef.jpg (World map of cold water coral reefs (UNEP, 2003))
- 15:57, 3 November 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:MigratingDuneStructure.jpg (Cross-stratification of a migrating dune in unidirectional flow and in alternating flow.)
- 20:40, 22 October 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:BeachSlopeGrainSizeData.jpg (Correlation between beach slope and sediment grainsize from 78 field studies, adapted from Bujan et al. (2019).)
- 20:37, 22 October 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:BeachSlopeGrainSizeData.jpg (Correlation between beach slope and sediment grainsize from 78 field studies, adapted from Bujan et al. (2019).)
- 21:02, 16 October 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:EstuarineCirculation.jpg (Schematic representation of estuarine circulation in a prismatic channel.)
- 21:01, 16 October 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:EstuaryIsohalines.jpg (Seawater intrusion in a longitudinal section of a prismatic estuary, represented by isohalines.)
- 21:00, 16 October 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:SaltWedge.jpg (Salt wedge in a prismatic estuary.)
- 21:24, 13 October 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:CrestRotation.jpg (Rotation of the propagation direction of a Kelvin wave away from the coast due to bottom friction.)
- 21:05, 13 October 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:CrestRotationNEW.jpg (Rotation of the propagation direction of a Kelvin wave away from the coast due to friction.)
- 18:19, 9 October 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:EquilibriumTidalLagoonsNEW.jpg (The relative tidal amplitude versus the relative intertidal area for a large number of tidal basins with small (or without) river inflow.)
- 18:16, 9 October 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:PrismaticTidalFlatChannelNEW.jpg (Prismatic estuarine channel with tidal flats.)
- 10:51, 9 October 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:SeaLevelRiseDutchCoast.jpg (Sea level data for the Dutch coast, corrected for subsidence.)
- 16:45, 3 October 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:ConvergingEstuarySchematization.jpg (Schematization of a strongly converging estuary. (a) Plan view; (b) 3D view.)
- 16:44, 3 October 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:ChannelFrance.png (Increasing positive asymmetry of the tidal wave propagating along the coast of Normandy (France).)
- 20:25, 30 September 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:SaintLouisCoastalErosion.jpg (Destruction of fishermen's houses on the beach of Saint-Louis (Senegal) by swell waves at high springtide (March 2015).)
- 20:17, 30 September 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:KeralaSetback.jpg (Urbanization of setback area in Kerala (India).)
- 14:54, 30 September 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:SLRscenariosIPCC2019.jpg (Sea level rise projections IPCC 2019.)
- 20:47, 29 September 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:HondsbosseDuinen.jpg (A sea dike along the North-Holland coast is protected by an artificial dune.)
- 20:32, 29 September 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:WaddenSeaMarshCreation.jpg (Dikes along the Wadden Sea are protected by marshland created by stimulating natural sedimentation through fences of braided willow twigs.)
- 15:22, 28 September 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:FloodRiskMitigation.jpg (Benefits and limitations of different coastal protection measures.)
- 13:55, 28 September 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Setbacklines.jpg (Setback lines for different countries.)
- 14:56, 27 September 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:NAO+NorthSeaTemperature.jpg (Winter (December through March) index of the NAO based on the difference of normalized sea level pressure (SLP) between Lisbon, Portugal and Stykkisholmur/Reykjavik, Iceland since 1864. Green inserted graph: North Sea winter temperature.)
- 14:54, 27 September 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:NAOatmosphere.jpg (The atmospheric pressure anomaly typical for positive and negative NAO phases.)
- 20:48, 11 September 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:ConvergingTidalChannel.jpg (Schematization of a converging tidal channel)
- 20:44, 11 September 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:ConvergingTidalChannel.jpg (Schematization of a converging estuarine channel)
- 22:20, 23 August 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:TidalBorePropagation.jpg (Schematic representation of a hydraulic jump propagating with velocity c.)
- 13:52, 16 August 2019 Dronkers J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:DispersiveUndularBores.jpg (Numerical simulations of the two undular tidal bore regimes. Panel a: Dispersive regime, F1=1.20. Panel b: Dispersive-like regime, F1=1.05.)