Help:Basic setup, rules and guidelines

From Coastal Wiki
Revision as of 06:04, 16 April 2007 by Caitlin (talk | contribs) (External Links)
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Subject title

  • Keep it as short as possible
  • Note: If you need to change your title do it before editing; otherwise use ‘Move Page’ function.


  • Concise lead section or introduction
  • 1-4 paragraphs long
  • Do not type ‘introduction’ as a heading – just write the introductory paragraph at the start of article.

The article

  • Put your main text in this section.
  • Provide relevant context (policy, practice, science).
  • Consider important interactions with other components of the coastal system.
  • Manual: tells you how to produce links, emphasise text, lists, headlines etc.
  • Link to other relevant coastal wiki articles.
  • Don’t enter into details if good references and links to detailed information are available.
  • Article length – between a few hundred to a few thousand words.
  • Other tips:
  1. Separate major sections of article with section headlines.
  2. Use heirachial heading structure
  3. Box text for effect
  4. Define terms
  5. Add relevant images or graphics, tables
  6. Use analogies and comparisons to illustrate


  • For references used in article
  • Type <references/> to generate automatic reference list

See also

  • Link to related WIKI articles – search the database to see what’s out there.

External Links

  • Link to resources and information already available (but only if not copyright).

Don't forget authorship:

Typing this:

|AuthorName= Pilkington, Caitlin}}

will generate this:

The main author of this article is {{{AuthorFullName}}}
Please note that others may also have edited the contents of this article.

Citation: {{{AuthorFullName}}} (2007): Help:Basic setup, rules and guidelines. Available from,_rules_and_guidelines [accessed on 18-02-2025]

[[Category:Articles by {{{AuthorFullName}}}]]

Your author ID number can be found at the end of the URL of your contact card page - find this through Contact Database.

Crediting the author