OSPAR and eutrophication

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Revision as of 13:35, 10 April 2013 by Carolienk (talk | contribs) (OSPAR Eutrophication Committee)
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OSPAR Eutrophication Strategy

The main objective is to combat eutrophication in the OSPAR maritime area in order to achieve and maintain a healthy marine environment where anthropogenic eutrophication does not occur.

OSPAR Eutrophication Committee

The Eutrophication Committee (EUC) facilitates the implementation of the Eutrophication Thematic Strategies by evaluation of the extent of eutrophication problems in the OSPAR maritime area and identifying the actions needed to achieve non-problem areas.

The main author of this article is Knockaert, Carolien
Please note that others may also have edited the contents of this article.

Citation: Knockaert, Carolien (2013): OSPAR and eutrophication. Available from http://www.coastalwiki.org/wiki/OSPAR_and_eutrophication [accessed on 28-09-2024]