Organise a focus group
From Coastal Wiki
Focus groups are a technique used to find out what issues are of most concern for a community or group when little or no information is available.
- Randomly select 6-10 people affected by or interested in the community issue to make up the focus group.
- Book venue and arrange catering if meeting goes across a meal time.
- Hire a facilitator.
- Prepare preliminary questions.
- Send reminders to participant with time, date, venue and questions.
- Brief participants and the facilitator on the aims and objectives of the session.
- Establish ground rules: keep focused, maintain momentum, get closure on questions.
- Encourage shy participants if they feel anxious about revealing their opinions/feelings.
- Engage a co-facilitator to record issues raised by individuals (may use audio, a/visual, and/or written notes).
- De-brief the participants and the facilitator.
- Compile a report of proceedings for the organisers, and offer a copy to the participants.
Focus groups experience in Estonia, The Netherlands and Sweden.