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''The authors below are planning to work on this article''
See also: [[Instruments and sensors to measure environmental parameters]]
==Practical Salinity==
In the course of time, various methods have been developed to determine the salinity of seawater, see the article [[Salinity]]. The most practical method currently used is through electrical conductivity. Because this is an indirect method, an accurate relationship has been established between the conductivity <math>C</math> and the salinity <math>S</math> as a function of temperature <math>T</math> and pressure <math>p</math>. The salinity determined in this way is called the 'practical salinity'. The accuracy with which the conductivity of seawater can be measured is limited for reasons listed later in this article. Possible measurement errors can be eliminated, at least partly, by considering the relative conductivity <math>R</math>, the seawater conductivity <math>C(S,T)</math> relative to the conductivity <math>C(35,15)</math> of a standard saline solution at 15<sup>o</sup>C containing 32.4356 g KCl in a mass of 1 kg. The salinity of this standard solution is exactly 35. We omit pressure because it is only relevant for the deep ocean. The relationship between the salinity <math>S(T)</math> and the relative conductivity <math>R=R(S,T)</math> reads:
=='''Salinity measurements and definitions throughout history'''==
<math>S(T) = S(15) + \Delta S(T) , \qquad R=\Large\frac{C(S,T)}{C(35,15)}\normalsize ,  \qquad (1)</math>
Since as far as Ancient Greece times, attempts have been made to try to measure the "saltiness" of seawater. However, the low sensitivity and poor repeatability of the analytic methods meant that measurements were not sufficiently accurate to be considered. During the Modern History more precise methodologies were developed: weighing after evaporation (Boyle,1693; Birch, 1965), solvent extraction (Lavoisier, 1772) and precipitation (Bergman, 1784). In 1865, Forchhammer introduced the term salinity and dedicated himself to measure individual components of seasalt rather than the total salinity. He found that the ratio of major salts in samples of seawater from various locations was constant. This constant ratio is known as Forchhammer's Principle, or the Principle of Constant Proportions, from which the salinity could be calculated from the chlorine content. Towards the end of the nineteenth century, William Dittmar, following the work of Forchhammer, tested several methods to analyse the salinity and the chemical composition of seawater. The Dittmar methods for chemical analysis of the seawater were extremely precise. Dittmar analysed the chlorine content in seawater using  silver nitrate precipitation of the chloride, and compared it with synthetically prepared seawater samples to vouch for the method's accuracy. He later analysed 77 samples from around the world, taken during the Challenger Expedition and noticed the same constancy of composition observed by Forchhammer: "although the concentration of the waters is very different, the percentage composition of the dissolved material is ''almost'' the same in all cases". <ref> William J. Wallace (1974). The Development of the Chlorinity/Salinity Concept in Oceanography. Amsterdam: Elsevier. 239. </ref>
<math>S(15)=0.008-0.1692\,R^{1/2}+25.3851\,R+14.0941\,R{3/2}-7.0261\,R^2+2.7081\,R^{5/2} , \qquad (2)</math>
'''ICES, 1902'''
[[Image:DittmarTbl.PNG |thumb|400px|align:right| Constant composition of seawater (Dittmar, 1884)]]Still, a clear definition of salinity and international standard were yet to be developed. Now, with more accurate techniques to measure salinity, there was a need to have a common definition and methods across the scientific community. In 1889, Martin Knudsen was named by [[International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)| ICES]] to preside a commission to address the salinity issues. '''Definition of Salinity, [[International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)| ICES]], 1902'''
"Salinity is the total amount of solid materials, in grams, dissolved in one kilogram of sea water when all the carbonate has been converted to oxide, the bromine and iodine replaced by chlorine and all organic matter completely oxidized <ref> http://www.aslo.org/lo/toc/vol_14/issue_3/0437.pdf </ref> <ref>KNUDSEN,  M. 1901. Hydrographical tables.  G.E.C. Gad, Copenhagen, 63p </ref>.
Although this definition is correct and served oceanographers for the next 65 years, the methodology is impractical and difficult to carryout with precision. Knowing that the seawater composition was constant and chlorine could be accurately measured by silver volumetric titration, the commission defined "chlorinity" as a measure of salinity.  After analyzing several samples from nine locations, Knudsen and his colleagues developed an equation to calculate salinity based on chlorine content:
<div style="text-align:center"><math> S\&permil = 1.805 Cl + 0.03</math></div>
<math>\Delta S(T)= \Large\frac{T-15}{1+0.0162(T-15)}\normalsize  (0.0005-0.0056\,R^{1/2} -0.0066\,R-0.0375\,R^{3/2}+0.0636\,R^2-0.0144\,R^{5/2}) , \qquad (3)</math>
where chlorinity (Cl) is defined as the mass of silver required to precipitate completely the halogens in 0.3285234kg of the sea-water sample:
for <math> 2 \, \le S \le \, 42  </math>. If R=1 we have S=35.
'''Cl‰ = 328.5234 Ag‰'''
'''JPOTS - 1966'''
As seen from the formula, these method has its limitations, when chlorinity is 0, salinity is 0.03. Furthermore, Carritt  and  Carpenter (1959)  have  estimated  that  the  uncertainty of  a  computed  value  of  salinity  from  a measured  value  of  chlorinity  using  this  relation  can  be  as  much  as  0.04‰. This is due to variations in the chemical composition in the different seawater samples and the fact that only 9 different locations were sampled.
In the beginning of the 60s it became possible to measure salinity with great precision (± 0.003‰) with the development of conductivity bridges. Bridges gave conductivity ratios between the sample and standard seawater used to calibrate the bridges. However the standard was developed for chlorinity and not for conductivity, so a new conductivity standard was commissioned to the Joint Panel for Oceanographic Tables and Standards (JPOTS) and the standing formula was revised to
'''S(‰) = 1.80655 Cl(‰)'''
'''Practical Salinity Scale-1978 / EOS-80 '''
The relation  between  salinity  and  conductivity  ratio  was  based  on  precise  determinations  of  chlorinity  and  [[Conductivity ratio|''R<sub>15</sub>'']]  on  135 natural  seawater  samples,  all  collected within  100 m  of  the  surface,  and  including samples  from  all  oceans  and  the  Baltic, Black,  Mediterranean,  and  Red  Seas.  After chlorinity  was  converted  to  salinity,  using the formula shown previously,  the  following  polynomial was computed by least squares:
'''S = 0.0080 - 0.1692 K<sup>1/2</sup> + 25.3853 K + 14.0941 K<sup>3/2</sup> - 7.0261 K<sup>2</sup> + 2.7081 K<sup>5/2</sup>+ ∆S'''
RT = C (S, T, 0) / C (KCl, T, 0)
∆S = [(T - 15) / (1 + 0.0162(T - 15))] + 0.005 - 0.0056 RT1/2 - 0.0066 RT - 0.0375 RT3/2 + 0.636 RT2 - 0.0144 RT 5/2
For  2 ≤ S ≤ 42
where C (S, T, 0) is the conductivity of the sea-water sample at temperature T and standard atmospheric pressure, and C (KCl, T, 0) is the conductivity of the standard potassium chloride (KCl) solution at temperature T and standard atmospheric pressure. The  standard KCl solution contains a mass  of 32.435 6 grams of KCl in a mass of  1 kg of solution. An extension of (3-6) gives salinity at any pressure (see Millero 1996)
===Platinum Electrode Conductivity Sensor===
[[Image: electrode_conductivity.JPG | 300px| thumb |right| Electrode Conductivity principle]]
The present equation of seawater for seawater in use as the international standard for oceanography, is the 1980 International Equation of State of Seawater (EOS-80, released by the Joint Panel on Oceanographic Tables and Standards (JPOTS), and published by Millero et al. (1980). It is based on the temperature scale IPTS-68 and on the Practical Salinity Scale 1978, PSS-78 (Lewis and Perkin, 1981)
As the practical salinity is not a physical parameter that can be measured directly, “Salinity Sensors” do not exist. What is commonly referred to as a salinity sensor is in fact a conductivity sensor.
This Conductivity Sensor measures the ability of a solution to conduct an electric current between two electrodes. In solution, the current flows by ion transport; therefore, an increasing concentration of ions in the solution will result in higher conductivity values. Conductance is defined as the reciprocal of resistance. When resistance is measured in ohms, conductance is measured using the SI unit, siemens (formerly known as a mho). Since the siemens is a very large unit, aqueous samples are commonly measured in microsiemens, or µS.
[[Image: conductivity cell.JPG | 400px| thumb| right| A conductivity cell. Current flows through the seawater between platinum electrodes in a cylinder of borosilicate glass 191 mm long with an inside diameter between the electrodes of 4 mm. The electric field lines (solid lines) are confined to the interior of the cell in this design making the measured conductivity (and instrument calibration) independent of objects near the cell. ''From Sea-Bird Electronics'']]
Conductivity, <math>C</math>, is found using the following formula:
There are many important advantages and improvements incorporated into TEOS-10. This standard
1. provides a complete thermodynamically consistent representation of all thermodynamic properties of
seawater, and
2. explicitly considers the chemical composition of seawater, and incorporates corrections for composition
anomalies, which will also greatly improve our knowledge and understanding of ocean circulation, and
the ways in which this is modelled,
3. should lead to the opening of new research areas associated with the fundamental parameters of seawater,
4. will facilitate development of salinity measurement technologies with better long-term stability and SItraceability, required to investigate, e.g., climate change issues.
<math>C=G\cdot kc  , \qquad (4)</math>
Salinity is a ratio and not a physical parameter that can be measured. Thus, “Salinity sensors” do not exist. What is commonly referred to as a salinity sensor is in fact a conductivity sensor.
The Conductivity Sensor measures the ability of a solution to conduct an electric current between two electrodes. In solution, the current flows by ion transport; therefore, an increasing concentration of ions in the solution will result in higher conductivity values. Conductance is defined as the reciprocal of resistance. When resistance is measured in ohms, conductance is measured using the SI unit, siemens (formerly known as a mho). Since the siemens is a very large unit, aqueous samples are commonly measured in microsiemens, or µS.
where <math>G</math> is the conductance, and <math>kc</math> is the cell constant. The cell constant is determined for a probe using the following formula:
Conductivity, C, is found using the following formula:
C = G• kc
<math>kc = \Large\frac{d}{A}\normalsize  , \qquad (5)</math> 
where G is the conductance, and kc is the cell constant. The cell constant is determined for a probe using the following formula:
where <math> d </math> is the distance between the two electrodes, and <math>A</math> is the area of the electrode surface. The conductivity value is found by multiplying conductance and the cell constant.  
kc = d/A
where d is the distance between the two electrodes, and A is the area of the electrode surface. For example, the Conductivity Sensor has a cell constant:
kc = d /A = 1.0 cm/0.1 cm2 = 10 cm-1
The conductivity value is found by multiplying conductance and the cell constant.  
A potential difference is applied to the two probe electrodes in the Salinity Sensor. The resulting current is proportional to the conductivity of the solution. This current is converted into a voltage.
A potential difference is applied to the two probe electrodes in the Salinity Sensor. The resulting current is proportional to the conductivity of the solution. This current is converted into a voltage.
<div style="border:1px solid #000000;float: right; background-color:#CEECF2;width: 250px;text-align: justify; padding:1em 1em 1em 1em; font-size:80%">
===Electrodeless Conductivity Sensor (Inductive)===
[[Image: Induktive_Messung__eng.jpg|thumb|250px|right| Inductive conductivity sensor
'''WHAT IS PSU? by Frank J. Millero ''in'' Oceanography Magazine, 1993'''
Electrodeless conductivity sensors use inductive coils. The inductive conductivity sensor consists of two coils which are incorporated next to one another in a polymer or ceramic body. These coils form current transformers. The sensor is designed so part of the liquid media forms a closed conductive current path passing through the coils. Current is applied to the primary coil (generating coil), which induces an alternating voltage in the liquid loop. In liquids which conduct electricity, this causes a current flow captured by the second coil (receiving coil), which is proportional to the conductivity of the sample solution.
After receiving the latest issue of ''Oceanography'', I was irritated by the Sea-Bird advertisement on the inside cover. It shows a TS diagram that is labeled with the term PSU. Although I have been unsuccessful in getting the company to discontinue the use of this term, I thought I should write this letter to express my concerns about its use my oceanographers in published articles. The term apparently is used to denote the use of the Practical Salinity Scale and is an abbreviation for Practical Salinity Unit.
As a member of the Joint Panel on Oceanographic Tables and Standards that was instrumental in the development of the international equation of the state of seawater and the practical salinity ''scale'', I am amazed that the practice that seems to have been adopted by oceanographers in using PSU. The practical salinity ''scale'' was defined as conductivity ratio with no units. A seawater sample with a conductivity ratio of 1.0 at 15ºC  with a KCl solution containing a mass of 32.4356 g in a total mass of 1 kg of solution has a salinity of 35.000 (no units or ‰ are needed). The salinity and temperature dependence of this ratio for seawater weight evaporated or diluted with water led to the full definition of the practical salinity ''scale''. This definition was adopted by all the National and International Oceanographic Organizations. It also was published in all the journal publishing oceanographic studies.
Somewhere along the line oceanographers started to use the term PSU (practical salinity unit) to indicate that the practical salinity scale was used to determine conductivity salinity. This apparently resulted from the previous use ‰ to represent parts per thousand, which some oceanographers felt was a ''unit''. The bottom line is that salinity has always been a ratio and does not have physical units. The use of the term PSU should not be permitted in the field and certainly not used in published papers. Whenever the practical salinity scale is used to determine salinity this should be stated somewhere in the paper. The use of the term PSS can be used to indicate that the Practical Salinity ''Scale'' is used. One certainly does not have to use to term PSU on all figures showing TS data. I should also point out that UNESCO (1985)<ref>UNESCO (1985) The international system of units (SI) in oceanography. UNESCO Technical Papers No.45, IAPSO Pub. Sci. No. 32, Paris, France.</ref> has published a SUN report that carefully outlines the use of units in the field of oceanography. This report was also adopted by all the International Oceanographic Societies but is not generally used by the oceanographers and the journals publishing oceanographic data. If the field of oceanography is to become a recognized science, it must adopt the units that are basic to the fields of chemistry and physics. It also should not adopt new units for variables that are unitless.
'''Salinity Scales'''
===Conductivity meter===
==Comparing the sensors==
===Electrode Sensors===
*The main advantages of electrode sensors are:
**there is no proximity effect, the sensor can be mounted next to other sensors without interference
**easily calibrated in small baths
*The main disadvantages are:
**any changes in the cell constant will be reflected in the conductivity, and the cell cannot be cleaned in the field
**electrodes are subject to corrosion or damage (however, most sensors used in oceanography are inside a cell that prevents this, as shown in the image above)
**electrodes inside a cell need seawater pumping which limits the measuring rate
===Inductive Sensors===
*The main advantages of inductive sensors are:
**robust construction
**they can be cleaned with soap or solvents and a brush.
**there are no electrodes, so there is no possibility of their damage.
*The main disadvantages are:
**a significant part of the measurement is external leading to major consequences resulting from this external field. The inductive sensors require a 3 inches radius from  any other surface, from adjacent sensors. It is particularly difficult to address this problem in companion mounts such as ARGO floats or [[Biofouling | biological fouling]].
**mounting  and calibration of the sensor to companion packages (Argo floats, current meters, AUVs, etc.) must be undertaken to avoid intrusion into the external area. Because final package geometry influences the results, the calibration must be performed on the fully assembled package.
*Zero Calibration Point: Simply perform this calibration point with the probe out of any liquid or solution (e.g., in the air). A very small voltage reading will be read. Call this value 0 ppt.
*Standard Solution Calibration Point: Place the Salinity Sensor into a standard solution (solution of known concentration). Wait for the displayed voltage to stabilize. Enter the value of the standard solution (e.g., 35).
Future standards
==Related articles==
:[[Seawater density]]
:[[Instruments and sensors to measure environmental parameters]]
==See also==
Historical overview of salinity measurements and definitions
[[Category:Theme 9]]
[[Category:Techniques and methods in coastal management]]
[[Category:Hydrological processes and water]]
|AuthorFullName=Souza Dias, Francisco
|AuthorName=Francisco Souza Dias}}
[[Category:Coastal and marine observation and monitoring]]
[[Category:Observation of chemical parameters]]

Latest revision as of 21:36, 20 December 2020

Practical Salinity

In the course of time, various methods have been developed to determine the salinity of seawater, see the article Salinity. The most practical method currently used is through electrical conductivity. Because this is an indirect method, an accurate relationship has been established between the conductivity [math]C[/math] and the salinity [math]S[/math] as a function of temperature [math]T[/math] and pressure [math]p[/math]. The salinity determined in this way is called the 'practical salinity'. The accuracy with which the conductivity of seawater can be measured is limited for reasons listed later in this article. Possible measurement errors can be eliminated, at least partly, by considering the relative conductivity [math]R[/math], the seawater conductivity [math]C(S,T)[/math] relative to the conductivity [math]C(35,15)[/math] of a standard saline solution at 15oC containing 32.4356 g KCl in a mass of 1 kg. The salinity of this standard solution is exactly 35. We omit pressure because it is only relevant for the deep ocean. The relationship between the salinity [math]S(T)[/math] and the relative conductivity [math]R=R(S,T)[/math] reads:

[math]S(T) = S(15) + \Delta S(T) , \qquad R=\Large\frac{C(S,T)}{C(35,15)}\normalsize , \qquad (1)[/math]

[math]S(15)=0.008-0.1692\,R^{1/2}+25.3851\,R+14.0941\,R{3/2}-7.0261\,R^2+2.7081\,R^{5/2} , \qquad (2)[/math]

[math]\Delta S(T)= \Large\frac{T-15}{1+0.0162(T-15)}\normalsize (0.0005-0.0056\,R^{1/2} -0.0066\,R-0.0375\,R^{3/2}+0.0636\,R^2-0.0144\,R^{5/2}) , \qquad (3)[/math]

for [math] 2 \, \le S \le \, 42 [/math]. If R=1 we have S=35.


Platinum Electrode Conductivity Sensor

Electrode Conductivity principle

As the practical salinity is not a physical parameter that can be measured directly, “Salinity Sensors” do not exist. What is commonly referred to as a salinity sensor is in fact a conductivity sensor.

This Conductivity Sensor measures the ability of a solution to conduct an electric current between two electrodes. In solution, the current flows by ion transport; therefore, an increasing concentration of ions in the solution will result in higher conductivity values. Conductance is defined as the reciprocal of resistance. When resistance is measured in ohms, conductance is measured using the SI unit, siemens (formerly known as a mho). Since the siemens is a very large unit, aqueous samples are commonly measured in microsiemens, or µS.

A conductivity cell. Current flows through the seawater between platinum electrodes in a cylinder of borosilicate glass 191 mm long with an inside diameter between the electrodes of 4 mm. The electric field lines (solid lines) are confined to the interior of the cell in this design making the measured conductivity (and instrument calibration) independent of objects near the cell. From Sea-Bird Electronics

Conductivity, [math]C[/math], is found using the following formula:

[math]C=G\cdot kc , \qquad (4)[/math]

where [math]G[/math] is the conductance, and [math]kc[/math] is the cell constant. The cell constant is determined for a probe using the following formula:

[math]kc = \Large\frac{d}{A}\normalsize , \qquad (5)[/math]

where [math] d [/math] is the distance between the two electrodes, and [math]A[/math] is the area of the electrode surface. The conductivity value is found by multiplying conductance and the cell constant. A potential difference is applied to the two probe electrodes in the Salinity Sensor. The resulting current is proportional to the conductivity of the solution. This current is converted into a voltage.

Electrodeless Conductivity Sensor (Inductive)

Inductive conductivity sensor principle

Electrodeless conductivity sensors use inductive coils. The inductive conductivity sensor consists of two coils which are incorporated next to one another in a polymer or ceramic body. These coils form current transformers. The sensor is designed so part of the liquid media forms a closed conductive current path passing through the coils. Current is applied to the primary coil (generating coil), which induces an alternating voltage in the liquid loop. In liquids which conduct electricity, this causes a current flow captured by the second coil (receiving coil), which is proportional to the conductivity of the sample solution.

Comparing the sensors

Electrode Sensors

  • The main advantages of electrode sensors are:
    • there is no proximity effect, the sensor can be mounted next to other sensors without interference
    • easily calibrated in small baths
  • The main disadvantages are:
    • any changes in the cell constant will be reflected in the conductivity, and the cell cannot be cleaned in the field
    • electrodes are subject to corrosion or damage (however, most sensors used in oceanography are inside a cell that prevents this, as shown in the image above)
    • electrodes inside a cell need seawater pumping which limits the measuring rate

Inductive Sensors

  • The main advantages of inductive sensors are:
    • robust construction
    • they can be cleaned with soap or solvents and a brush.
    • there are no electrodes, so there is no possibility of their damage.
  • The main disadvantages are:
    • a significant part of the measurement is external leading to major consequences resulting from this external field. The inductive sensors require a 3 inches radius from any other surface, from adjacent sensors. It is particularly difficult to address this problem in companion mounts such as ARGO floats or biological fouling.
    • mounting and calibration of the sensor to companion packages (Argo floats, current meters, AUVs, etc.) must be undertaken to avoid intrusion into the external area. Because final package geometry influences the results, the calibration must be performed on the fully assembled package.


  • Zero Calibration Point: Simply perform this calibration point with the probe out of any liquid or solution (e.g., in the air). A very small voltage reading will be read. Call this value 0 ppt.
  • Standard Solution Calibration Point: Place the Salinity Sensor into a standard solution (solution of known concentration). Wait for the displayed voltage to stabilize. Enter the value of the standard solution (e.g., 35).

Related articles

Seawater density
Instruments and sensors to measure environmental parameters

The main author of this article is Souza Dias, Francisco
Please note that others may also have edited the contents of this article.

Citation: Souza Dias, Francisco (2020): Salinity sensors. Available from http://www.coastalwiki.org/wiki/Salinity_sensors [accessed on 27-09-2024]