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Dr Bouma, Tjeerd
Personal home page

He is an expert in salt marsh ecology and many of his projects on this topic involve studies on the bio-physical interaction between salt marsh vegetation and hydrodynamics. The majority of his research projects combine field studies with flume and mesocosm experiments and modelling of salt marshes.

Institute  Top | Institute | Publications | Projects 
    Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek der Zee; Estuarine and Delta Systems (EDS)
    Function: Researcher
    Direct contact at institute:
    Tel.: +31-(0)113-57 74 54
    GSM: +31-(0)6-12 63 13 46

Projects (10)  Top | Institute | Publications | Projects 
  • Biophysical feedbacks between seagrasses and hydrodynamics in relation to grazing, water quality and spatial heterogeneity: consequences for sediment stability and seston trapping
  • Eco-morphology of estuaries and tidal lagoons
  • Ecomorphological interactions in saltmarsh development
  • Identifying relationships between ecosystem attributes (diversity, functioning and services) and human pressures in salt marshes
  • Innovative coastal technologies for safer European coasts in a changing climate, more
  • Macrophytes and nutrient dynamics: process and field studies in the upper reaches of river bassins, more
  • Mahakam Seagrass systems under nutrient loads and grazing; Interactive effects and feedbacks
  • Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning - EU Network of Excellence, more
  • Quantifying the relative importance of extreme hydrodynamic conditions as threshold for salt marsh rejuvenation
  • The role of native and/or invasive ecosystem engineers in explaining biodiversity

Publications (454)  Top | Institute | Publications | Projects 
A1 Publications (354) [show]
Peer reviewed publications (10) [show]
Book [show]
Book chapters (14) [show]
Abstracts (12) [show]
Reports (17) [show]
Other publications (3) [show]
Thesis (co-)promotor (27) [show]
Thesis supervisor (16) [show]

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