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Dr Kotwicki, Lech


Senior researcher

Thesaurus terms: Baltic Sea; Baltic sea
Taxonomic term: Harpacticoida [WoRMS]

Institute  Top | Institute | Publications | Projects 
    Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Oceanology (IOPAN), more
    Function: Senior researcher - Marine ecologist
    Direct contact at institute:
    Tel.: +48-(0)58-551 72 81

Projects (3)  Top | Institute | Publications | Projects 
  • Effects of biodiversity on the functioning and stability of marine ecosystems: European scale comparisons
  • Meiobenthic And Nematode biodiversity: Unraveling Ecological and Latitudinal Aspects
  • Web Accessible Taxonomic Expertise in MarBEF: PROviding an e-Platform for the European Taxonomists

Publications (24)  Top | Institute | Publications | Projects 
A1 Publications (17) [show]
Peer reviewed publications (3) [show]
Abstracts (3) [show]
Other publication [show]

All data in the Integrated Marine Information System (IMIS) is subject to the VLIZ privacy policy Top | Institute | Publications | Projects 
 The Coastal Wiki is hosted and developed by the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) - contact: info@coastalwiki.org