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Prof. Dr Janssen, Colin

Institutes (4)  Top | Institutes | Publications | Projects 
  • Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen; Vakgroep Dierwetenschappen en Aquatische Ecologie; Laboratorium voor Milieutoxicologie (GhEnToxLab)
  • Function: Professor, Department Head
    Direct contact at institute:
    Tel.: +32-(0)9-264 89 19
    GSM: +32-(0)477-20 07 97
  • Overlegplatform Spuikom
  • eCOAST
  • Function: Wetenschappelijk Directeur Milieu
  • Oceans & Lakes : Master of Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management
  • Function: Lecturer
    Direct contact at institute:
JPG file

Projects (21)  Top | Institutes | Publications | Projects 
  • Assessment of Marine Debris on the Belgian Continental Shelf: occurence and effects. - AS-MADE
  • Balancing impacts of human activities in the Belgian part of the North Sea, more
  • Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in stressed environments
  • Changes in metal biogeochemistry resulting from wetland creation: bioavailability, toxicity and risk, more
  • Cluster Sustainable management of the North Sea, more
  • Detection and isolation of harmful algae in the Belgian Part of the North Sea
  • Development of an Integrated Database for the Management of Accidental Spills, more
  • Dynamische modellering van de effecten van toxicanten op aquatische ecosystemen
  • Endocrine disruption in the estuarine invertebrate Neomysis integer (Crustacea, Mysidacea), more
  • Endocrine disruption in the Scheldt Estuary: distribution, exposure and effects, more
  • Evaluation of possible impacts of endocrine disruptors on the North Sea ecosystem
  • Integrated Risk Assessment and Monitoring of micropollutants in the Belgian coastal zone, more
  • Marine Resources Damage Assessment and Sustainable Management of the North Sea
  • New Strategies for monitoring and risk assessment of Hazardous chemicals in the marine Environment with Passive Samplers
  • Ontwikkeling van moleculaire probes voor de detectie van endocriene verstoring bij inheemse vissen
  • PhD Developing and optimising cost- and time-effective methods for the detection and identification of microplastics in the marine environment
  • Plastic Flux for Innovation and Business Opportunities in Flanders
  • Study of the bioavailability and ecotoxicology of metals in the aquatic environment request for expanding basic equipment
  • Sustainable Marine Ecosystem Services
  • Trophic transfer of microplastics and the ecological impacts on flatfish
  • UGent Aquaculture R&D Consortium

Publications (682)  Top | Institutes | Publications | Projects 
A1 Publications (294) [show]
Peer reviewed publications (14) [show]
Books (18) [show]
Book chapters (58) [show]
Thesis [show]
Abstracts (155) [show]
Reports (43) [show]
Other publications (47) [show]
Thesis (co-)promotor (50) [show]
Thesis supervisor (2) [show]

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 The Coastal Wiki is hosted and developed by the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) - contact: info@coastalwiki.org