Publications (37) |
Top | Publications | Projects |
A1 Publications (3) [show] |
- Levoy, F.; Anthony, E.J.; Dronkers, J.; Monfort, O.; Montreuil, A.-L. (2019). Short-term to decadal-scale sand flat morphodynamics and sediment balance of a megatidal bay: insight from multiple LiDAR datasets. J. Coast. Res. 88(sp1): 61-76.
- Dronkers, J.; Miltenburg, A.G. (1996). Fine sediment deposits in shelf seas. J. Mar. Syst. 7(2-4): 119-131.
- ten Brinke, W.B.M.; Dronkers, J.; Mulder, J.P.M. (1994). Fine sediments in the Oosterschelde tidal basin before and after partial closure. Hydrobiologia 282: 41-56.
Peer reviewed publications (6) [show] |
Dronkers, J.; Stojanovic, T. (2016). Socio-economic impacts - coastal management and governance, in: Quante, M. et al. North Sea region climate change assessment. Regional Climate Studies, : pp. 475-488.
- ten Brinke, W.B.M.; Dronkers, J. (1993). Physical and biotic aspects of fine-sediment import in the Oosterschelde tidal basin (the Netherlands). Neth. J. Sea Res. 31(1): 19-36
Dronkers, J. (1986). Tidal asymmetry and estuarine morphology. Neth. J. Sea Res. 20(2-3): 117-131
- Dronkers, J.; van de Kreeke, J. (1986). Experimental determination of salt intrusion mechanisms in the Volkerak estuary. Neth. J. Sea Res. 20(1): 1-19
- Dronkers, J.; Zimmerman, J.T.F. (1982). Some principles of mixing in tidal lagoons. Oceanol. Acta V(4, Suppl.): 107-117
- Dronkers, J. (1975). Tidal theory and computations. Adv. Hydrosci. 10: 145-230
Books (8) [show] |
- Dronkers, J. (2017). Dynamics of coastal systems. Second edition. Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering, 41. World Scientific: New Jersey. ISBN 978-981-3143-73-9. xxv, 753 pp.
- Dronkers, J. (2012). Coastal erosion picture atlas. Eigen beheer: [s.l.]. 134 pp.
- Dronkers, J. (2005). Dynamics of coastal systems. Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering, 25. World Scientific: Hackensack. ISBN 981-256-349-0. XIX, 519 pp.
- Dronkers, J.; Scheffers, M. (Ed.) (1998). Physics of estuaries and coastal seas: Proceedings of the 8th International Biennial Conference on physics of estuaries and coastal seas, The Hague, Netherlands 9-12 September 1996. AA Balkema: Rotterdam. ISBN 90-5410-965-3. XIV, 431 pp.
- Dronkers, J.; van Leussen, W. (1988). Physical processes in estuaries. Springer: Berlin. ISBN 3-540-19266-2. X, 560 pp.
- Dronkers, J.; Breusers, H.N.C.; Vinjé, J.J. (1967). Closure of estuarine channels in tidal regions. Publication. Delft Hydraulics Laboratory = Publikatie - Waterloopkundig Laboratorium, 64. Waterloopkundig Laboratorium = Delft Hydraulics Laboratory: Delft. 46 p. pp.
- Dronkers, J. (1964). Tidal computations in rivers and coastal waters. North-Holland: Amsterdam. XII, 518 pp.
Dronkers, J. (1953). Colloquium over hoge waterstanden II: over de hoogste waterstanden langs de Nederlandse Kust - Lezing. Mathematisch Centrum: Amsterdam. 11 + graphs pp.
Book chapters (6) [show] |
- Dronkers, J.; Snippen, E. (2006). ENCORA, your coastal network for sharing knowledge and experience, in: Tubielewicz, A. (Ed.) Coastal environmental, processes and evolution. EuroCoast - Littoral 2006, : pp. 37-44
- Dronkers, J. (1999). Summary and conclusions of the session on "Predictability for long-term coastal evolution: is it feasible?", in: Barthel, K.-G. et al. (Ed.) Third European Marine Science and Technology Conference, Lisbon, 23-27 May 1998: Conference Proceedings. pp. 301-303
- Dronkers, J. (1998). Morphodynamics of the Dutch Delta, in: Dronkers, J. et al. Physics of estuaries and coastal seas: Proceedings of the 8th International Biennial Conference on physics of estuaries and coastal seas, The Hague, Netherlands 9-12 September 1996. pp. 297-304
- Dronkers, J. (1997). Why is EuroGOOS important for coastal managers?, in: Stel, J.H. et al. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: the challenge for European co-operation: Proceedings of the First International Conference on EuroGOOS 7-11 October 1996, The Hague, The Netherlands. Elsevier Oceanography Series, 62: pp. 624-630
- Dronkers, J. (1996). The coastal grand challenge: prediction of change in coastal seas, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) The ocean and the poles: grand challenges for European cooperation. pp. 107-123
- ten Brinke, W.B.M.; Dronkers, J.; Mulder, J.P.M. (1994). Fine sediments in the Oosterschelde tidal basin before and after partial closure, in: Nienhuis, P.H. et al. The Oosterschelde Estuary (The Netherlands): A case-study of a changing ecosystem. Developments in Hydrobiology, 97: pp. 41-56.
Abstracts (2) [show] |
Claus, S.; Vanhoorne, B.; Hernandez, F.; Haese, C.; De los Rios, M.; Kreiken, W.; Villars, N.; Dronkers, J. (2009). Experiences from the Coastal and Marine WiKi: an Internet encyclopaedia providing up-to-date quality information for and by coastal and marine professionals, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 6 March 2009: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 41: pp. 30-31
Claus, S.; Papatsiotsos, A.; De los Rios, M.; Kreiken, W.; Villars, N.; Mees, J.; Dronkers, J. (2008). The Coastal and Marine Wiki: an Internet encyclopaedia providing up-todate high quality information for and by coastal and marine professionals, in: Iona, Sissy et al. (Ed.) International Marine Data and Information Systems Conference IMDIS-2008, 31 March - 2 April 2008, Athens, Greece: Book of abstracts. pp. 224-225
Reports (6) [show] |
- Dronkers, J. (2007). Sharing expertise for sustainable management of our coasts; role of BeNCoRE, in: Claus, S. et al. (Ed.) Background report First BeNCoRe Conference: State of the Art and future of Belgian Coastal Research. BeNCoRe and its relation to the Green Paper on a future European Maritime Policy, Leuven, 26 April 2007. pp. 11-12, more
- Cadée, N.; Dronkers, J.; Heip, C.H.R.; Martin, J.-M.; Nolan, C. (Ed.) (1994). ELOISE European Land-Ocean Interaction Studies Science Plan: report of an international workshop, Roosendaal, The Netherlands, January 12-14, 1994. Ecosystems Research Report, 11. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities: Luxembourg. ISBN 92-826-3895-2. 52 pp.
Dronkers, J. (1979). De zout/zoet-problematiek van de sluizen bij Hansweert na voltooiing van de Oosterschelde-werken. Rijkswaterstaat, Deltadienst: [s.l.]. 21 + 3 p. appendices pp.
- Dronkers, J. (1977). De voorspelling van het zoutgehalte in de Oosterschelde in de gecompartimenteerde situatie, met effectieve doorstroomopening µA = 15000 m2 - een eerste benadering. Rijkswaterstaat: Lelystad. 23 + bijlagen pp.
Dronkers, J. (1977). Het zoutgehalte in de kom van de Oosterschelde in de C3-situatie bij verschillende zoetwaterbelastingen en eventuele rondstroming naar de Westerschelde. Nota DDWT-77.242. Rijkswaterstaat, Deltadienst: [s.l.]. 10 + bijlagen pp.
Dronkers, J. [s.d.]. Algemene beschouwingen over zout- en zoetwaterbeweging. [S.n.]: [s.l.]. 27 pp.
Other publications (5) [show] |
Dronkers, J.; Terwindt, J.H.J. (1994). Zand aan de wandel: het fundament van onze kust. Nat. tech. 62(12): 890-901
- Dronkers, J. (1969). Tidal computations for rivers, coastal areas and seas. J. Hydraul. Div. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng. 95(1): 29-77
- Dronkers, J. (1951). Berekeningen over de afsluiting van de Brielsche Maas en Botlek met praktische beschouwingen over getijberekeningen in het algemeen. Ingenieur ('s-Gravenhage) 63(40): 18
- Dronkers, J. (1947). Methoden van getijberekeningen. Ingenieur ('s-Gravenhage) 59(49): 17
- Dronkers, J. (1946). De Waterbeweging op het geinundeerde Walcheren. Ingenieur ('s-Gravenhage) 58(28): 8
Thesis (co-)promotor [show] |