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University of Porto

Portuguese name: Universidade do Porto

Rua D. Manuel II
4050-345, Porto

Tel.: +351-(0)226-07 35 00
 Institutes | Publications | Project | Event 
Level: University

Associated to an institute part (61)  Top | Institutes | Publications | Project | Event 
  • Aimé Nieto Vilela, Rocío
  • Almeida, André
  • Almeida, Cristina Marisa Ribeiro
  • Antunes, José Carlos
  • Araújo, Rita Micaela
  • Arenas Parra, Francisco
  • Bertocci, Iacopo
  • Castro, Luís Filipe C
  • Correia, Ana Mafalda
  • Cunha, António Marco Oliveira
  • das Neves, Luciana
  • de Campos Mucha, Ana Paula
  • de Carvalho Pinheiro Teixeira, Catarina Fernanda
  • Domingues, Carla
  • Donas Bôto Bordalo e Sá, Adriano Agostinho
  • Gandra, Miguel
  • Garcia, Susana
  • Garcia, Tiago
  • Gil, Ãgaha
  • Grosso-Silva, José Manuel

Child institutes (8)  Top | Publications | Project | Event 
  • University of Porto; Centre for Marine and Environmental Research (CIMAR), more
  • University of Porto; Faculdade de Farmácia
  • University of Porto; Faculty of Engineering (FEUP), more
  • University of Porto; Faculty of Sciences (FCUP), more
  • University of Porto; Institute for Molecular and Cell Biology (IBMC)
  • University of Porto; Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas de Abel Salazar (ICBAS)
  • University of Porto; Interdisciplinary Centre for Marine and Environmental Research (Porto) (CIIMAR), more
  • University of Porto; Laboratório de Bromatologia e Hidrologia

Publications (9)  Top | Institutes | Project | Event 
    ( 3 peer reviewed ) split up filter
  • Peer reviewed article Correia, A.M.; Gandra, M.; Liberal, M.; Valente, R.; Gil, A.; Rosso, M.; Pierce, G.J.; Sousa Pinto, I. (2019). A dataset of cetacean occurrences in the eastern North Atlantic. Scientific Data 6(1): 1-8. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41597-019-0187-2, more
  • Peer reviewed article Valente, R.; Correia, A.M.; Gil, A.; González García, L.; Sousa Pinto, I. (2019). Baleen whales in Macaronesia: occurrence patterns revealed through a bibliographic review. Mamm. Rev. 49(2): 129-151. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/mam.12148, more
  • Peer reviewed article U.Porto Journal of Engineering. Universidade do Porto: Portugal. e-ISSN 2183-6493, more
  • dos Santos Pereira, P.E. (2023). Evaluate the use of retail food waste for the production of Chlorella vulgaris. MSc Thesis. Universidade do Porto: Porto. xii, 64 pp., more
  • de Sousa, M.I.L. (2020). Biogeography of Arctic eukaryotic microbiome: a comparative approach between 18S rRNA gene metabarcoding and microscopic analysis. MSc Thesis. Universidade do Porto: Porto. xix, 94 pp., more
  • Pires, B. (2019). Macroalgas em região fronteira: Viana do Castelo. Universidade do Porto: Porto. 212 pp., more
  • Benedetti Cecchi, L.; Crowe, T.; Boehme, L.; Boero, F.; Christensen, A.; Grémare, A.; Hernandez, F.; Kromkamp, J.C.; Nogueira García, E.; Petihakis, G.; Sousa Pinto, I.; Zingone, A. (2018). European Marine Board expert Working Group's recommendations to Strengthen Europe's Capability in Biological Ocean Observations., in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – 53rd European Marine Biology Symposium. Oostende, Belgium, 17-21 September 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 82: pp. 116, more
  • De Magelhaes, A.P.F. (1984). As comunidades de macro-invertebrados como indicadoras da qualidade biologica da agua. Universidade do Porto: Porto. 138 pp., more
  • Gouveia e cassio, F.M. (1983). Comparaçao de metodos de amostragem de macro-invertebratos benthicos para avaliacao da qualidade da agua. Universidade do Porto: Porto. 106 pp., more

Project  Top | Institutes | Publications | Event 

Event  Top | Institutes | Publications | Project 
  • International Marine Science Communication Conference

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